Decided put my personal journals up here, they are journals that I have written mainly for a class. Might as well keep up with my blog. Though about deleting it... Overconfidence One class I took in college that I thought “This is going to be a cakewalk” was Sociology 101. In fact I was so confident that I use to show up for that class 20 minutes late. Since I believed this was an easy class I thought that I wouldn’t have to come to class on time or read any of the chapters, basically I treated the course as a “backburner class” (Class that you can ignore). Well, the first test comes around and I get a D on it. Then that overconfidence of the class evaporated and I found myself saying, “I’ve got to make some kind of effort in this class”. So with more investment going into reading the book and paying attention to lectures I overcame the adversity of an overconfident investment and I ended up getting a B in my SOC101 class. To improve this overconfidence of classes I should inst...