Why Do Business School Preach Positive or Selling Presentations?
Picture a business conference... A business person is giving a presentation on a product of interest, new invention, new idea, or a popular concept to be incorporated with a product of service. As they are presenting they are spitting out every positive feature, benefit, and how it will succeed. (In other words this person is trying to market their product) They show how it will fit into the finances, the plan to implement it, and how everything will integrate etc. Then finally the sample of the product or service at work. (a show and tell if you will) At the end of the presentation a barrage of questions ensues mostly of a negative nature- How will this work when our company is only breaking even? Why would this be any different from what we've been doing in the last 124 years? This seems way too costly? This will never work you would have to change the entire companies culture for it to be accepted. Well being a great presenter that this business person is he counters every ques...