Well here we go so Joe what are you going to rant and B**** about this time.....I mean really what the hell is a pipedream??? And the reason I'm talking about this is because I struggle with it and I know others do, if they say they dont their lying point blank. Well my simple definition of it is a goal that has a low percentage of attainment. In other words, there's a 25 percent chance you have aids or theres .01 percent chance that you'll become a CEO So why is this important to talk about its common sense right? Yes So its worthless? Not quite. I've seen many people give up on there dream way to quickly, now playing professional baseball is understandable and becoming a CEO understandable. These are goals that might be pipe dreams because its based on "you have the skills or you dont" or you know the people and have the experience or you don't" I'm talking about lower unattainable goals. It can even be as low as well that girl wont like...