Pipe Dreams: Healthy or Troubling

Well here we go so Joe what are you going to rant and B**** about this time.....I mean really what the hell is a pipedream??? And the reason I'm talking about this is because I struggle with it and I know others do, if they say they dont their lying point blank.

Well my simple definition of it is a goal that has a low percentage of attainment. In other words, there's a 25 percent chance you have aids or theres .01 percent chance that you'll become a CEO
So why is this important to talk about its common sense right? Yes
So its worthless? Not quite.

I've seen many people give up on there dream way to quickly, now playing professional baseball is understandable and becoming a CEO understandable. These are goals that might be pipe dreams because its based on "you have the skills or you dont" or you know the people and have the experience or you don't"

I'm talking about lower unattainable goals. It can even be as low as well that girl wont like me because she's part of the cool kids group. Or I won't get that job because the person I'm competing with is kissing a** with the director of that company or something. Or I am ugly therefore, I should go for ugly people to date. These ARE ATTAINABLE GOALS if you believe in yourself. Another aspect is that its going to have a negative impact on your self esteem and you will put yourself down. Not only does this hurt yourself it also hurts the sociability aspect no wants to hang around a depressed person that thinks he's a dummy or acts like everyone hates him or her. (And take my points seriously this is applicable for all ages its not gonna change*if you dont want it to change* if you are this person!)

Now first thing one ought to do is clear the past. Just obliterate it and invent a new self image (This doesn't mean faking it, this means either changing for the better or never do that certain type of act ever again!). It really doesn't matter how old your reputation is, for all we know you could've got that reputation an hour ago. Well, how do I rid of this reputation well simple, just don't act like that or change yourself. How? Well if you are known as a person that is quite and you hate that. Then start talking to other people and meet new people whether it be online or in person (Still can't understand why people think meeting online is creepy, its gonna be future so people oughta grow up and live with it). Just a warning if you do anything online watch what you say, because, people are going to take it differently than in person. And honestly I've heard that you should do this independently however, I think thats total BS, because if you have a good friend most likely that good friend will help you through this transition.

2nd We tend to think that if rumors fly around about us we have no chance of lets say making friends. FALSE: for instance theres 12,000 people on a campus(University) not everyone is going to be naive and think that a particular rumor about a person is true. Although this could definitely happen in a college that has lets say 500 people but, as I said unless your stupid your not gonna believe it until you see it. And most of the time people will look at a mistake and say, "well the same crap could've happened to me" and give that person the benefit of the doubt (THESE ARE THE PEOPLE YOU WOULD WANT TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH). If you've been reading my blogs you know about that weird kid I met my freshman year, yeah I thought he was weird before i chilled with him but, I didn't conclude that until I chilled with him (If that makes sense).

3rd is stay positive no one like a person that hates him or her self. Just think if your at a party somewhere and someone asks a question "hows you day". You say it sucks, and you proceed to tell why, most likely that person( you dont know yet) won't keep talking to you because yours so pessimistic. Always keep a positive light and most of the time good things will happen.

Oh, an conspiracy theories and no I'm not joking. so Scenario
You like a girl and you don't anything about her
She's in a group project with you lets say its your environmental science class
She's beautiful in your eyes not just looks but, personality you like the way that she holds her own kinda acts airy and is intelligent
You find out she's apart of some high social clique and might possibly have a bf.

And you think dont have the best rep and your ugly. Plus you think that she already hates you. And you think oh well she's part of the cool kids club so she ain't gonna like me. She know you like her and she's just eggin you or something (Talking crap behind your back)

Well this is a conspiracy theory a very stupid one. The reason why its very stupid is because you haven't even sat down and talked with her. Not talking about group work but talking people to people. People can read confidence and shyness, people can read pessimism and optimism. Now which is better in this situation if you actually went and talked.

It would either be shyness or confidence with optimism. Sorry to anyone whose offended but, if shyness is a turnoff for you or a sign of weakness then you are pretty shallow.
Plus if you let this sit in your head for a while you will get stressed out.
Infact, if you make your unattainable goals so low you'll loose confidence, and its not that your not going to succeed for all we know you could turn out to be a CEO but, you'll have the attitude of I'm in it for the career and screw everyone.

SIDENOTE: True you can't trust everyone, but, you have to trust someone. If you get screwed then thats just a part of life.

Sorry about this abrupt ending really didn't know how to end this and I ran out of things to say. But, I'm thinking about making another post about "Faking out in the workplace" The article would basically be an opinion about basically "faking being productive in the workplace or whatever it is your doing, to make yourself look good" whoever reads this please message me on facebook or something of what ya think.


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