My idea of a Military Casino

 Just balls to the wall, I know nothing about the military never served, just following hearsay I guess for the information but here we go, just gonna update as I go as how I think this would be ran, it will show I know nothing like that Hogan Hero's Program

Military Monte Carlo Program

Will consist of Tables and Slot machines chosen by the Command of the Military installation and Morale, Welfare Recreation. Final say of an establishment of the Monte Carlo Program will be in the hands of the Base Commander.

MWR DPCA with optional minimal input from the MWR Business Division Chief, Garrison Commander, Base Commander. Final decision will be made by the Base Commander and Area Monte Carlo Program Director (Regional).

Tables will be a Category C function which means it will function as a money making entity.

Slots will be either Category B which will receive it funding partly from appropriated funds or a Category C a money making entity. The reason it would be a Category B would be the maintenance of the machines which would have to be contracted from a 3rd party or be hired inhouse by MWR.

Table games will consist of Pai Gow Poker, Blackjack, Roulette, Craps, Baccarat, possibly Faro in some regions determined by the MWR organization at the base with input from the garrison and base commander.

Program no matter where it will be placed shall have a sign designated (MWR MONTE CARLO PROGRAM SINCE 1986 KOREA) Letter can be smaller than the main sign.

Slots Program if Category B will be funding for Category C building maintenance. If Category C Slots Program will be intertwined with the Monte Carlo Program.

Monte Carlo Program will be established in this order of business units

Remaining Officers Clubs (to cover the losses of fine dining, I personally never agreed with the disestablishment of these clubs, Officer were tricked into to converting these clubs to community clubs which ruined them.)

Remaining NCO and Enlisted Clubs

Community Clubs (in the red)

Bowling Centers (in the red)

Community Clubs (in the middle or green) pending Business Manager Approval

Bowling Center (in the middle or green) pending Business Manager Approval

Recreation Centers or Commons ran by MWR (Category B or C only excluding CYS)

Golf Course Clubhouses, Pending Food and Beverage Manager and Business Manager Approval

Army Lodging, Pending Hotel and Regional Managers Approval, Business Division Chief able to override decision.

AAFES (determined by aafes high command and base commander, AAFES would work with the MWR Business Division Chief to determine where the program will be set. Final decision would come from the GM of AAFES for said installation. MWR reserves the right to liquor and beer sales, MWR  Business Division Chief will make the determination for non-alcoholic beverage sales and food sales.)

Commissary (last resort)

Any additional MWR entity will be honoring any fallen heros, such as Mitchell Redcloud Jr, Arthur Bonifas, Mark Barrett etc. to include defunct army bases, KOREA first then the Stateside each gambling establishment will have a plaque of why the facility is named after a fallen hero. If in AAFES entity, AAFES will have right to name the facility. Default name of facilities in AAFES will be in the form of General Joyce Casino, etc.

Gambling House Regulations

Slots and Tables shall be separated into two sections

Dealers are empowered to inform guests that the table they are playing at is not for them. If said guest decides to play at the table, Dealer shall concede and let guest bet at the table. 24/7 or at the times that the base commander allows gambling the MWR Monte Carlo Manager shall allow the following, 1 dollar Tables for blackjack, craps, baccarat, and roulette. Baccarat shall have a 10 dollar maximum at the $1 dollar table.

Blackjack will always be 3/2, any base violating these regulations or follows 6/5 will have a 6 month suspension of operations

Blackjack card counters are allowed, with an MWR PitBoss or MWR off duty blackjack dealer keeping tabs on the card counters. Card counters must sign up for the club rewards program failure to sign up will result in immediate ejection from the tables pit, (card counters who are non-rewards members are able to use non-casino functions and are able to gamble on slots) Threshold of winnings from a card counter shall not be greater than $500. If great than $500 an MWR Pitboss shall inform guest that they are "too good for the casino" and be comped a stay at Army Lodging or a buffet if available, guest is able to receive up to $500 dollars worth of points or a separate comp to another MWR facility, for bases where MWR and AAFES work together guest is able to receive an AAFES comp. If guest refuses to leave, MWR security shall escort them out, if MWR security fails, Military Police would be dispatched to remove the guest (if a known card counter is removed by Military Police, that card counter will be permanently banned from the MWR Monte Carlo for life at all bases. Any guest that is identified as a card counter and has reached the $500 dollar threshold will be banned from tables for 90 days, MWR Business Division Chief or MWR Monte Carlo Manager will be required to inform the guest of this condition. After those 90 days the guest will be able to reinstate themselves with the MWR Monte Carlo Manager.

Baccarat Rules

Tables will follow Vegas rules, Dealers if asked by the guest will inform gamblers that Banker will be the best bet to make. Cut for the Banker may be abolished with some programs to encourage guests to pay at the baccarat tables.


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