The Dream: Incheon Exodus Of The 8th US Army and 2ID

 Again another thing that will never happen. If the US was smart which it is not, if they do not want to continue the antagonization of the North Korean Government which will never happen. I believe if this would ever happen, Korea will find peace amongst itself, albeit with Chinese influence but that is not the US to decide nor preside over.

Historically, 1950 General Douglas MacArthur surprised North Korean forces by an amphibious landing at Incheon. So it would be fitting for the US Armed Forces to leave as they landed in 1950. What I would do which might upset many South Koreans because of commerce mainly and because some communists and citizens would think this would be a parade of military might for the US armed forces (who could blame them I was in Korea in the 90s when Yongsan Post decided to erect a banner that said "8th US Army best army in the world" in the middle of Seoul, Korea real smart), off of my tangent and excuse my grammar, I'd make the US military march up to Incheon for a full scale evacuation of South Korea. Then the South Korean Officers and US armed forces command or whatever you want to call them can have there honorary lets make each other look good blah blah blah.

On that march to keep tradition I would have the US armed forces give out "sears hardware buckets fashioned from the 1950s with US goodies", whatever that might be we have outsourced everything and sears is almost extinct maybe Hershey chocolate bars IDK (got that from a story from my grandparent who explained there experience with US military personnel) to be handed out to several Korean citizen observers.

Anyways that's my thoughts is all.


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