RELIGION: Missionary's Holy Journey of Propaganda??
This is the sequel to my last religious topic blog. it will be a continuation of that blog I decided to separate it in 2 parts to make it less imposing to read. Well of course I am not talking about the position one would possibly attempt in intimacy I am talking about Religious Missionary, just what is a religious missionary? Well, good old wikipedia has provided me with a definition and it is stated and quoted directly from wikipedia: “one who attempts to persuade others to a particular program, doctrine, or set of principles; a propagandist.” In a narrower and more popular usage it is one “who is sent on a mission” to do "charitable and religious work in a territory or foreign country." Now I would like to and will attempt to dissect this definition of what a missionary does one who attempts to persuade others to a particular program - Well this indicates that these people are basically trying to influence their teachings on anot...