RELIGION: Missionary's Holy Journey of Propaganda??

This is the sequel to my last religious topic blog. it will be a continuation of that blog I decided to separate it in 2 parts to make it less imposing to read.

Well of course I am not talking about the position one would possibly attempt in intimacy I am talking about Religious Missionary, just what is a religious missionary? Well, good old wikipedia has provided me with a definition and it is stated and quoted directly from wikipedia:
“one who attempts to persuade others to a particular program, doctrine, or set of principles; a propagandist.” In a narrower and more popular usage it is one “who is sent on a mission” to do "charitable and religious work in a territory or foreign country."

Now I would like to and will attempt to dissect this definition of what a missionary does
one who attempts to persuade others to a particular program- Well this indicates that these people are basically trying to influence their teachings on another person, well not so bad after all, this is what the education system does. Some would indicate that this is a direct definition that missionaries push people into the program which might be true or might not be dependence is upon the person. In otherwords, you can persuade someone to go to a ballgame with you, you might take it as well gosh thats a great friend thats trying to be friendly with me.

However, You Go Beyond Further to the popular definition of “who is sent on a mission” Then you ask yourself well who is directing them to be sent on a mission? Some is probably by an organized church, but, many are getting the order directly from God.

Simple Simple but the last part just blows me away: "to do "charitable and religious work in a territory or foreign country." Ok so your basically telling me they go to a territory wherever it may be, do charities and do there religious work which is to persuade people to turn to religion.

I have picked this definition because it best fits my assumption and countless arguments I've had with religious people about missionaries. I'm hearing from a group of people who belong to Intervarsity and at Intervarsity events that they are going into to territories of countries or continents which are deemed to be 3rd world such as China, India, and Africa. What I mean by that is they will go to a place like Africa or India, and only venture into the poor places.

What does that suggest? It suggests that missionaries, set up charities, such as free food, free clothing, etc. to these poor territories. The poor people accept it and in gratitude they are willing to hear the word of god, not so harmful right? Wrong in my view! These missionaries many of them are unaware of what they have done wrong. See 3rd world societies getting free clothing and food and whatever other charity they might receive will think well "If I'm apart of this religion I will get more of this stuff" or the thought that they have to repay so they are going to repay to the missionaries religion.

Why would they do this? The same reason why individual religious people do it, its because they want to share that happiness with God. Only missionaries go a step too far they add an incentive for people to convert which isn't right, its almost like bribery, not saying that all the people they touch is just doing it because of the free things they might get. Some do it because they want to and because they believe strongly into it, but, its not all of them that do this is the problem. Honestly I have more respect for those guys who go door to door asking people if they want to learn about religion, but how effective is that 9-10 or even 10-10 times they are rejected from that so it isn't that effective. So hey someone decided well along with our religious teaching why dont we set up a charity so more people are willing to convert. Wrong idea and just a horrible concept to even think of.

I do understand from arguments that people have a choice to come up to a missionary and tell them they want to be taught there not bribed by the free stuff. But, think about being in their shoes, if this is the first or 5th time they have received charities how would you feel? Delighted and wanting to learn there way of life which happens to be religion. Think about that before you judge this article to be ludicrous nonsense. I have heard of productions they've put on acting out a verse from the bible. Again it is voluntary whether you go or not and again what do these people have to do? There poor they probably have limited resources in which they can do another activity.

Speaking of which I have had an experience at Fall conference and I call it Predatory Pushing of Religious Events. Me and a person were conversating in the cabin that we were in and I decided not to go to this religious event. Well there was a person that kept pestering us to go, they said "We would really like you to go to this event" implying we didn't have to if we didn't want to, well the person came back about 3 times intentionally or unintentionally pushing us to go. we eventually went and this happened twice to both of us. I only have suspicion to believe this happens among what missionaries do and the events they hold.

Its amazing what these missionaries will go through risking themselves in China to teach Chinese citizens religion underground as I have heard. It amazes me why people would risk such threats in the name of God a being that might not even be real that I have not talked to that no one has talk to but only in their minds

Next Segment of the Religion Series- RELIGION: TBA have not decided yet suggestions appreciated


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