RELIGION: Jesus Follower's in "Total Nonstop Pushing"?


I understand this is a very touchy subject but, for me I just have to delve deep into this topic because I have been in search of the answer to this question for a long time. Even though I have a clear answer in site I am still on the fence that being an Agnostic(Someone who believes in God but, not in an organized religion) and even then I am inclined to believe that god may not be real. The organization of religion just doesn't suit me and I don't agree with separating religions when there is suppose to be one god???? Look at the Christians(generalized term) so let go into the Baptists, Catholics, Methodists, Lutherans, and even the crazy Mormons(No Offense). They all have belief in one god and I believe they all have belief in Jesus Christ so why the separations? All of those religions had a disagreement with teachings and that's it, its as simple as that. Even more division goes into separate people of the faith, there are Christians that believe in creationism (God created the earth and the universe) and Christian's that believe Evolution (Ape to Man, Origin of species). Christians believing in Evolution seems like a contradiction to me someone tell me the sense that goes into a Christian believing in Evolution??? Another observation I have seen is if you are born and raised in a religious household you do one of two things when your older, you either reject it or accept it or you are in-between. In otherwords when you are in-between you believe in Christianity but you do not act or participate in it. And there are those people who have grown up to be in a hard life like being poor or people who are in a vice such as drugs, sex and money who are devoted to be Christians. What does this mean to me in my interpretation: Consists of 3 Points
1. The people who are grown up in Christianity or other religions and accept it because they simply grew up with that.
2. People who grew up in religious families who reject it simple are doing it in defiance.
3. People who found religion later in life are bound to it by, a tragedy or life experience such as isolation.

The first 2 are common sense however, number 3 is a little confusing how would this happen? Are they weak minded? Absolutely not, in my opinion, they are just looking for another avenue of escape religion is that escape. Were they influenced independently? Maybe they might have found god through watching TV or reading a book. or Were they influenced by a religious person and dependent upon their teachings? This is the the number one possibility in my opinion. Is this bad? Yes and No, as long as the person wants to learn and is willing, not pushed into it. Religious people have to be careful when dealing with any sort of people points 2 and 3 that I have stated earlier that either want to get back into religion or want to get into religion. Some minds can be weak for whatever reason, Ive seen people accept Jesus as there savior and I wonder how it happend? Did they get pushed to do that whether it be intentional or by accident?

I only can relate to my experience when I was searching for Jesus in my past. Two of my great friends offered me a trip to an event called Fall Conference. I was skeptical at first but agreed to go to get away from campus and to see what this was all about. When I got there, one of my great friends said bring a pen and notebook to the religious event we went to. I agreed and didnt think anything of it. To make a long story short, I got sick of what I took as ordering around and it just ruined my experience at Fall Conference. The only thing I regret is shunning everyone when I got to the boiling point. I missed the festivities of playing in a volleyball tournament and tossing the football, but more importantly I missed small comradory I would've had if I took part in those activities. That great friend is still a great friend and I know now that he was only trying to help and that the pushy or abrasiveness of that friend was only in goodwill and not intentional.

People are passionate in there religious belief they want you to experience the same thing that they do but they have to put on the brakes and think does that person want it? Or should I let him go on his own until he needs my help? A good handful of religious people do not think this and they might mentor a person in bible study and make him interpret the bible then, all of the sudden the person accepts Jesus as their savior. That person might feel that they got pushed into it, or they may feel well I'll get into this clique if I do this. Then the person after accepting Jesus as their savior, might act in a different way to his religious counterparts than he or she would with non-religious people. So this person does not benefit in a better way of life the person instead takes on a 2nd identity to appease.

Religious people need to stop trying to convert other people like missionaries do. They need to stand back and let the person soak in the information that is being taught from bible study and let the person decide whether to go to religion or not. Religious people need to re-evaluate themselves and carefully evaluate their moves and motivations in teaching a curious person.

In my next segment RELIGION: Missionary's Holy Journey
I will be expressing my thoughts of what a missionary is to me. See to me missionaries are getting followers because they are going into poor territories and bringing in resources, this is not the only reason but it might be the main reason.


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