The Supreme Judgement ByThe Cover

So ever ponder as to when people judge you? Well that's a simple answer, the quickest is when someone just looks at you, the most common is first impressions. And you ever here the saying that says, what ever they think you are, you are that. In otherwords, if people think your a hard worker and you aren't, you are still a hard worker because its how you sell yourself. Selling is key I guess in life, one thing that I probably have an F in. Well this is another subject that has to deal with religion and being a christian. Some are judged as fake and good christians, well how do you know that honestly? The way they act give me a break, you have to delve deeper into there personality and see. Same with people who are only faking to be Christians I mean there almost believable. A former friend can put a front up to people say ok he's improving he's becoming more christian or a better person where when in fact he's faking his whole way through it, and still has that attitude of what a freshman in college has beer, sex, and money(well maybe not money). but you get the picture.

Judgments and Transformations
Ok, to further highlight the BOLDED STATEMENT I will use an exert from the blog, "Welcome to the Real World: Transform

" I also am helping to transform a students life that 'believes' in God, but isn't sure if living for Jesus is worth it. I am excited to see how this student will transform over the year. The risks that this student is taking, and the honesty is encouraging on so many levels. I am already seeing this students view of Jesus, God, and even the Church change. This student is starting to see things from a different view, and moving back towards the path of giving their life whole heartily to Jesus.

The last student that I want to mention is not a Christian. I have had many talks with this student and their perspectives are so awesome. I am already seeing this student transform the way that they think, live, and act. I am committed to meeting with this student on a regular basis all year to 'walk' along side Jesus, and to see what it is that He is offering. This student is being changed in great ways and I can't wait to see what becomes of it."

Ok  what grinds my gears about this statement is two things.
 1 Form of Control: TBA for another blog discussion, but briefly(DIGRESSING) transforming them into something whether its one extreme or another, might be bad and might be good. In the instances I've seen it, its usually negative, for instance, if your their friend its like meeting a whole different person or a person you don't even know.
And think about it, take a long hard look (I know sounds funny), see how the US government in terms of security are in love with people transforming themselves to Christianity. Theres less chance of rebellion and more chance of peace and prosperity. Even though some Christian groups message are to transform the world, all their doing is creating obedient citizens.
I mean think if you had a country like that with a hardcore Christian mentality(peace and prosperity vs. an unholy country going to war. I would just like to see what would happen, would the Christians go to war too and kill people? Or would the unholy state annihilate the Christian state because they wont compromise hmm. Bible references would be great
2 The bias one has of a "real" transformation
3 Seeing what progress the author makes no mention of that.

I'm not the one a heavenly person either, I can see that I have my faults as well. But, Honestly doesn't. My reaction to a group of people working in a classroom environment invoked my Christian friend to tell me why did you say that about them. Well, what I failed to question is, "Why don't you look at yourself and you'll find the answer". Everyone has their judgments although this Christian friend claims he doesn't do it. Everyone has their first cover impressions and its the individuals decision whether its worth it to look beyond the first page impression and read further into the book. Obviously, since it was just a group for the class and no peer evaluations I decided to look past it. I strive to push myself to be less judgmental but its a long and grueling process that is far from perfect. Another thing I'd like to say is perception is everything, the simplest form is your either working or acting like your working hard in front of you boss. If you dont do that, That boss will have a bias that "Oh that person is lazy I should fire him" or something like that.The same with your personality, if your an awkward acting person, many people will get the perception your a creeper. Or if your a girl and you have five guys in your room, people may perceive you as a slut. Not saying I'm perfect on this either, I've had my fair share of perceptions. One way to fix the judgment and perceptions is just to get to know those people and see if they are what they seem.
1.) For instance, I ran into a person who was rumored to be a wierdo my freshman year. Well I got the chance to hangout with him even though I didnt really want to. As I got to know this person, he was in fact a weirdo.
2.)Another instance is getting to know another person who I thought was a loner or just weird, I got to talk to the person by chance, and found out he had judgments and beliefs that were similar to mine. Question is would I ever be the guy's friend probably not but at least I gave these people a chance.
3.) Well, if you know me just ask, its very similar to point 2 but more pessimistic lol

OK Things about judgments
There's points where I judge old  and current friends on actions they do. For instance, I had an old friend that use to do something that wasn't a positive feature, such as lying, yelling, hateful, quitting, fighting, etc. I won't say the specific element and it wasn't all of those. The friend did something negative and kept doing it. So I made a judgment that the friend was that element. Is that right no because people have faults, is that wrong no because it was the truth by the look of that friends actions. Well, I made a judgment I said " I don't need to be friends with that person" because of the actions. My point is if god can judge why cant you? If you have seen the action so many times why can't you judge? Its just like a QB, if you see 10 years where he's throwing 10 TD's 20 INT and his record is 15-110 then you make a judgment that he sucks. That is a judgment.

"That person is wearing yellow so their mean" judgment although stupid

Is the statement below a judgment by the cover?
"Someone makes an inference about a girl they have a crush on. They said that the girl probably doesn't like me and is probably. Their friend says well that's different its "logical". NO, its not, when you barely know this person, haven't really talked to them, it doesn't mean that they don't like you. What that someone is talking themselves out of it (and maybe their shy), but its still a judgment that is based on a book by its cover. ITS MORE ILLOGICAL

Well anyways I'll end it there... Thanks for reading!


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