We Did Start The Fire: Materialism, Status, Competition,Shallow Souls

Amazing isn't it our world of ours so beautiful so perfect in every sense. Leave it to a few useless idiots to destroy that and make it into one big tv reality show. Yes I said it life is nothing but a tv reality show. Think about it take a good hard look at what we do....

Jobs? I think every job is necessary and every job serves its purpose in the workforce I'd even throw being a bum or hobo into the mix. And lets face it everyone needs something to do or we'd all go mad. So why bring up jobs? Office Politics. Office politics prevents you from climbing the corporate ladder. Office will cut your actually performance in half. Office politics will backstab you before your enemies will. One example, if you rub the wrong person the wrong way and they have power or longevity (lifer) in the company it will prevent you from reaching you peak position or going anywhere in a company. So whats the solution. Be a journeyman, whats so bad about being a journeymen? Companies want longevity lets just say you will be barred from many companies. Office Politics is ridiculous but there is no avoiding this, even if you work hard and don't talk to anyone. And no one no one likes an outspoken person in the office I should know I've been there.

How about the comment, "you can't keep a job your a loser"- Hate when people say this its so shallow and insignificant yet it defines a character? Go Figure! You know what it really defines? Answer is nothing and everything it can define alot of reasons such as:
Problem with this is you don't know you really don't! It could be any reason at all!

1. This guy hates the world
2. This guy can't get along with people
3. This guy doesn't like people
4. This guy is just hated by his coworkers
5. Managers don't like him
6. Outperforms favorite employees
7. Outspoken
8. Personality clashes with teammates
9. In the wrong position
10. Different priorities

Must I go on this is just a silly statement it doesn't define character whatsoever!

How about another comment, "this person is a creeper" well why? Alot of times its not even for a valid reason its just for something real shallow and stupid

Cause they wear weird clothes, they happen to stare into space or looking at a nice asset LOL, they happen to be shy, when you communicate with them it just seems awkward!!!! You don't know

Competition? Competition? Competition? What does that do? What is WalMart Doing. Think!
Survival of the fittest for what? Shanking the employees to get pennies on the dollar of profits? Is that what being human being is all about? Amazing its all about greed! In my opinion more can be done by collaborating and colluding.

Competition isn't even welcome in some industries. Oil companies have been quelling alternative fuels for years. Slowing or destroying potential alt fuels. How hypocritical is that?

Shallowness is the worse of them all. if your status and reputation is not up to par no one wants anything to do with you. People want to be in the limelight of success not in the dust of development or failed ventures. People don't see potential. Example THINK BASEBALL!!! MAYBE FOOTBALL!!!! And think 7TH ROUND PICKS, TOMMY JOHN SURGERIES, LOW ROUND DRAFT PICKS. What sports do, the human race doesn't even do. They will throw a potential under the bus if that makes any sense. Or hows this example... Lets send Macy to the important proposal meeting not the Lacy because she may embarrass us on the count of she isn't as enthusiastic and clear as Macy is. Even if Lacy has a better "potential" to present and close the deal.

Even simpler, Woman looks at a man and says "ugly" walks away for a "handsome" a**hole when she could've had a sweet caring kind of guy. (gave this example to be different it happens vice versa almost all the time taking the drop dead gorgeous cheerleader over the smart and intelligent pretty bookworm)


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