Oh Along Time Ago I Thought I Could Make A Decent Sequel to Star Trek
And no never turned this into to anyone. Kinda went to the wayside really got caught up in other things but here we go to be honest someone more than likely thought of this first! ha. So there you go all you trekkie fans to build on this or critic it all you want anyone can honestly!! Death Of The Federation Edited on 11/6/2011 Note: this is written assuming there is no time travel this is also subject to change. A few years after Star Trek First Nemesis - (subject to change) has gone by with peace and prosperity of the federation as it grows stronger and yields more power. The lasting hatred between the Klingons and Humans have ceased bringing the two closer together even closer than the Vulcans or Andorians. Infact, the two are so close that Earth elected the first Klingon to ever be president while the Klingons have declared a human to be worthy of serving on a Klingon vessel making him the commander. However, the Klingons are not so receptive to the fe...