Being All You Can Be Is...... You know!! (8 letter word)


Psst. you learned it in grade school most likely or your parents. A bull or cow (if you prefer) and a piece of poo? If you don't get it by now your an idiot and you need to be "retrained" in education. Just kidding ladies and gentlemen. I felt I needed a different tone in my blog. I've re-read my blogs and there just so gloomy and depressing so this is Bold and Outspoken's 3.0 version of blogging. Ever changing and spicing things up.

Well anyways this is a blog about being all you can be. Which I think is materialistic bullshit. (parden my french) but its been bugging me ever since college. I read books about socialism and had a couple of professors who preached socialism and communism. Not that I got brainwashed I just like that system a whole lot better than the bullshit capitalism we have right now where its all about numbers numbers numbers. Profit profit profit. (yes I know grammar and all you grammar nazi's can go you know where) Honestly where does caring for one another come in can someone answer me that. Set aside the community the community is dwindling down with the onset of tv's, computers and continuing isolationism of people in the United States.

Every job I've had was customer service (taking care of people) great right I'm in a job where I can help people instead of trying to reach a set goal of a sale or whatever. WRONG! First of majority of them are in retail stores. All of the retail stores I've worked at could care less about the customers and more about the bottom line. They can lose a customer that has been going there for 30 years over a can of paint that wasn't the right color or a misplaced order. They don't care if he spent over 10 ,000 or 30, 0000 or whatever at that store in his life span. That every appliance he's ever bought was from that store. He feels disenfranchised and betrayed. Some say its business the customer will get over it. No he won't its personal for him that's like a second family to him. And why do they do this its because they think they can lure in other customers, the customer purchasing isn't purchasing huge amounts to make a difference (so they say), and they might have contracts with commercial entities.

All a numbers game! Hey all we don't care if old people stop coming into our store we're starting to get the young adults in here trying to start a family and buy furniture and we're making big bucks. Who cares about the old guy who buys a 2 dollar can of hair spray ha let him eat dust! Or hey we have such low prices that we don't mind that you leave to a competitor cause we'll probably gain another customer or two so bye don't let the door hit you on the way out (you'll probably be back!)

Same thing goes for having a job. You have any kind of job there is always a quota and you always stress but why stress. Why be all you can be? So people don't perceive you as lazy? So one would think a person whose been a retail clerk for 30 years is lazy or a person thats been a warehouse associate for 30 years lazy? How bout there satisfied with what they have there happy. But no we can't have a society where we can be happy. Guys you date a woman for a while say 3 years and you are a warehouse associate doing the same thing for 3 years, same apt, etc. Your girlfriend decides to leave you and you say "why we have a great relationship?" she says, "Well I'm leaving you because you have no drive you won't grow out of where you are?" "How are you going to support me and a family?" Funniest crap I've ever heard but very true.... is there going to be times where you have to take a second job or a new job to support someone absolutely! But something like this shouldn't happen but it does happen (sometimes they'll even tell the guy to grow up which I never got that point....) Sad day when something so materialistic and is based on Being All You Can Be ends a relationship. And this doesn't have to happen in a relationship such as this it can happen with family and friends. I can't tell you how many times I've seen family members verbally chastise another family member for not having drive not going that extra mile and being lazy. When in fact that person is just satisfied with where he is at.

Quotas, goals, etc. There a load of crap esp. the places that let go of people for poor performance. What horrible way to get rid of someone. And I can tell you some take it very personally. they can tell you not to take it personally all they want but in the end you take it personally, its a bad feeling, your day goes down, and you are in a downed state for a while (2 weeks sometimes more depending on who it is). Then you get back up and charge again find another opportunity but your left with the same memory as being let go. In turn you have preconceptions about your new job and the company so you don't trust it. This I think shouldn't happen but it does.

Last question is defiance of authority really bad? Do you really need to change if you don't like taking orders? Who the hell made the rule that to be a good worker and a good person you have to take orders? You have to be a good follower to be a good leader. And no I'm not talking about arguing back when you told to do something or ignoring it (although it sometimes precipitates to that). Really? thats what capitalism is all about and having a job is all about dictatorial leadership? being subservient to a manager having absolutely no say even if you have experience. What a bunch of bull all of those people who told me you need to be a good follower to be a good leader, follow order, thats your boss thats why there bossing you around is bullshit! My reasoning behind that is look at the American Revolution Hello! Some of the documentaries on the history channel have some good info on how people were back at that time...I can tell you this they didn't blindly follow as you think they did.


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