Oh Along Time Ago I Thought I Could Make A Decent Sequel to Star Trek

And no never turned this into to anyone. Kinda went to the wayside really got caught up in other things but here we go to be honest someone more than likely thought of this first! ha. So there you go all you trekkie fans to build on this or critic it all you want anyone can honestly!!

Death Of The Federation

Edited on 11/6/2011
Note: this is written assuming there is no time travel this is also subject to change. 
A few years after Star Trek First Nemesis-(subject to change) has gone by with peace and prosperity of the federation as it grows stronger and yields more power. The lasting hatred between the Klingons and Humans have ceased bringing the two closer together even closer than the Vulcans or Andorians. Infact, the two are so close that Earth elected the first Klingon to ever be president while the Klingons have declared a human to be worthy of serving on a Klingon vessel making him the commander. However, the Klingons are not so receptive to the federation they see it as threatening by the power and expansion they have incurred in the last few decades.   At this point, this is of little news since the Klingons are small players and have little power. (Klingons will have power in the future with help from the jem hadar) The new Cardassian government is the newest member of the Federation despite tensions and distrust from the Andorians, Vulcans, and Humans the Cardassian Government convinced the Federation that there government is focused on a new way of life involving peace and prosperity agreeing to have only a militia force of no more than 4 ships to protect Cardassia in the event of an attack. In addition Cardassia has allowed the federation to build a new science station, ship building yard and passage through a new wormhole discovered by the Cardassians. The borg still remain and is in a state of civil war and for now poses little threat to the Federation There will be a new threat in the future. As throughout history humans have played a central role in the direction of the federation.. this has come to pass. An extention of Starfleet HQ is now located at the Tellurite planet. Starfleet command no longer has a human on its staff all the admirals come from different galaxies and planets. The commander and chief of Starfleet command is Admiral Tao a Romulan.  (Romulans and Vulcans finally made piece with the help of Ambassadors Spock's influence to the underground and the new generations of Romulans. They made piece just before Ambassador Spock died a few years later with the help of Captain Riker the Romulans and the Federation finally broke the neutral zone and declared piece. The Romulan Empire remain separate from the Federation although Romulans are permitted and encouraged to join Starfleet) The Federation over the last two years have built up their military, testing controversial weapons, and built more war vessels. This is a highly controversial move by the Federation which has prompted the Vulcans and Andorians to leave the Federation. Humans who essentially created the Federation decides to postpone the exodus and petitions and pleads the Federation to end its controversial tactics but it has fallen on deaf ears since the expansion of other world governments who never heard of earth or disagree with them. The recent Klingon President Worf is planning an ultimatum to either cease militaristic activity or Earth will leave the Federation (which might prompt other long standing members to leave). The Earth president has formed a Mobile Militia to protect it from rogue elements that might be lurking in the federation (because of perceived impending threat Earth has mobilized a militia force). These ships were secretly built without federation knowledge after the conflict with the borg to deter the borg from attacking again or safeguarding earth until the federation ships arrive (they were built exclusively to counter the borg). The militia includes:

To include First officers for some.
Leader-Vice Admiral Janeway- USS Data (Centennial Class bigger and faster than the Galaxy Class)

Co Leader-Captain Picard (comes back from retirement)- USS Enterprise G Class orbital ship
Captain Riker- USS Titan
Captain Kim- USS Yorktown 
Captain Chakotay- USS Geronomo
Captain Tuvok- USS Wolf 359
Captain Laforge- USS Harbinger
Captain Sisko- USS James T. Kirk
The Doctor ECH and Lt. Commander B-4- USS Spock
Lt. Com Icheb- USS Constitution B

Part II Preview 11/7/2011

The Federation is sending warships to earth. President Worf calls Captain Riker down to Starfleet HQ to deal with a very tense situation. The Federation of Planets or unknown source that has influence  is claiming that Earth is planning to succeed from the Federation to join the Vulcans, Andorians and Klingons to take down Admiral Tao and undermine the federation. In addition Earth is being accused of building weapons that can destroy whole universes at a space station on an Earth colony. President Worf declares a state of emergency and delivers a speech on the steps of Starfleet HQ when an assaliant opens fire and hits Worf and Admiral Janeway. A ship arrives in Earths atmosphere it appears to be borg. Earth's militia assemble forces led by Captain Picard as they are ready to aim and fire. The Borg ship sends out a communication. "We are the Borg Federation, we come in peace we will not assimulate" Captain Picard then says, "that sounds like Jim". Lt. Commander Mellanby asks Picard to clarify.. Captain Picard says, "that sound like James T. Kirk..."


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