Idea's Of Wrestling Characters From A Novice

So as a fan of wrestling entertainment (drama show for men lol) I thought I should make an entertaining blog about my crazy ideas of wrestling characters here goes! Agreed some of these are similar to what they have already but who the hell cares its just for fun! Dates are on here because I will be adding as I think of more!


Agent Orange
Dark Brown Orange trench coat, hat (detective style), pants. Entrance is a orange mist all around the arena. Mysterious figure appears in the ring. Face has a greenish camouflage cloth mask with only the eyes showing red. Says nothing instead uses signs to show what he means. Uses a mysterious straw to blow mysterious orange powder into an enemies face. Personality is indifferent, fickle and go either way whatever, he sees fit. Surprises many. Acts as leader.

Mr. Khan Keystone
Conservative clothing walks down with no music. Conservative look that is unprofessional. Will not conform to the policies and rules. Does not take orders and takes on a record of defiance of authority. Gets in trouble with management and will always be on the side rebellion and non conformity. Will have moments but will always be passed up by management for someone more favorable and more conforming.


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