Steps That Retail And Other's Should Consider! (9)

What the problem with today's retail?
Customer Service
High Turnover
Investment in Today's Profits Not Tomorrow's
Employment Morale

Although my steps are in no type of order this is another blog I will be adding to as well. This is all hypothetical I realize that maybe 1/4 to a half of my opinions can never be implemented because of human nature, egos, greed, etc. But its always good to dream because you never know it may come true.

Play to Strengths
Most employers forget this they like to dictate what they expect and what they think they deserve. Well every human being is different and all should be utilized differently. There should be a tolerance for this for instance, if you have an employee who produces leave him or her be, don't try and shape them into a service employee and vice versa. This should be a fundamental fact but so many employers get this wrong. Because employers impose there will on there employees, you get toxicity, disgruntlement, and unmotivated workers who essentially act the part cause they are afraid to lose there jobs (the worst worker you could ever have even beats out a lazy or "rude" worker)

Free Agency/Waiver/Trade /Release Status

Restricted Free Agent Status- Before the 2 years the employee is under arbitration with increment raises every six months (increments of .10 to .30 cents determined by an arbitrator based solely on production or rate) when an employee hits 2 years that employee should have the right to look for another store that will pay he or she a higher wage (in increments of .50 cents). Employee must file for free agency before the deadline and meet all prerequisites.

Waiver-Stores can be in a situation where they hire too many or the store may not have a need for certain employees (ie department gets abolished in a particular store) Stores can waiver any employee for assignment at anytime this opens up the employee to sign with another store. Stores that claim an employee incur a 24 hour wait, the employees store must withdraw the employee from assignment to avoid losing the employee.

Trade- Stores. DC, corporate offices can trade employees to one another, this creates a situation that might bode well for both stores and benefit them. There are drawbacks, there can be one sided trades but for example one store has 3 employees too many and another store has a disgruntled employee who hates a manager but is excellent at production there can be a trade in this instance. Or a store is lacking in production so they trade two employees who have great customer service skills and poor production and rate skills for an employee who has great production and rate skills not so great in customer service. Trades can also help the fluctuation in departments if one store has too many in the produce department they can trade them for people they may need in say the meat department. Trades should be conducted locally.

Release/Unrestricted Free Agent
Instead of employers throwing away people like there raw meat why not put them in a pool in which other facilities have a chance to take a look at that talent, this shouldn't be used as a throwaway status employees who feel they are underutilized should feel empowered to ask for there release and find a store they are happy with. Unless the employee was involved in something major such as stealing or violence they should be given a second chance. They should be granted a two week try out period after the two weeks of the store that is interested, store can make an exception to this as well.

Disciplinary Actions should be replaced with suspensions
Instead of scolding the employee with a threat to fire or to receive a write up whether its justified or not they should instead receive a suspension that they can appeal to corporate, if the employee initiates an appeal they should not receive the suspension until the determination of corporate (or it could be done with an arbitrator).

Right To Refusal- This should be implemented I fully agree with the so called "old school" way of doing things as far as job duties.
You should have the right to refusal to do any position outside of your main job duties for instance a grocery worker should not have to double as a hardlines worker, or a frozen four person should have to double as a produce worker (this includes temporary or emergency times). The added "other duties assigned" should be abolished this is a statement of abuse by the retail worker and most are not paid enough to handle extra assignment. I do believe that there should be a "record of refusal" which indicates what an employee refused to do however, they should not be held for disciplinary action. Refusal of an employee should not result in a personality differential treatment nor a substantial cut in hours.

Every business should have a burn out clause. Lets face it we all burn out... everybody has there point to where they can't take it anymore and businesses should have a provision for that.
Burnout Clause- if in the event an employee is incapable of doing his or her job because of any of the specified reasons they are to be suspended for 2 weeks, the first week will be compensated by regular pay and the hours they were assigned to work,  the 2nd week a reduction of 50% of regular pay. In addition they are to write of a plan of rehabilitation to be completed with the assistance of a superior. Plan should be enacted for at least 3 to 6 months and no more (more time will demoralize the employee). This should not be considered as a deterrent from promotions nor from reference letters. It should not be treated as a write up or any kind of disciplinary actions. However, if the employee violates the plan it should be recorded as a disciplinary action

Although I believe that all human being's should have a right to healthcare that system is not going to exist in the US for a long while because we have a capitalist mentality.
I do believe that we should have a contract system so we have better job security and can afford healthcare. Abolish employment at will.
I believe that any service or labor type industry should be structured a lot like Major League Baseball only instead of 3 to 5 year contract have a 10 years contract with incentives. Sure it would take a hit on businesses but it would be a splash in the bucket if they were to take all benefits, healthcare, etc. except the 401k away from employees.

This is only an example same with the figures. (Figures are just made up Did not calculate them)

Salaries determined by experience and performance and the bigger the contract the higher the salary

15 year contract, 5,000 dollar signing bonus "forfeited" if service is less than 10 years. (30,000 dollar fine if contract isn't fulfilled) Entitled to a cap of  15,000 dollars worth of performance bonus (cap can be increased by company). 1500 hours of overtime allowed. 3500 fine for off the field incidents that injures the worker (can't work a period of time because of it). Eligibility in Supervisory training after year 9 and supervisor contract after contract is completed.

10 year contract, 2500 dollar signing bonus "forfeited" if service is less than 5 years. (10000 to 15000 dollar fine if contract isn't fulfilled) Entitled to a cap of 10,000 dollars worth of performance bonus (cap can be increased by company). 800 hours of overtime allowed. 1500 fine for off the field incidents that injure the worker (can't work a period of time because of it). Eligible for supervisory training after year 7.

5 year contract, 500 dollar signing bonus "forfeited" if service is less than 3 years. (2500 dollar fine if contract isn't fulfilled). Entitled only to a cap of 5,000 dollars worth of performance bonus barred from cap increase. 450 hours of overtime allowed. 150 dollars for off the field incidents that injure the worker. Eligible for supervisory training per peer group panel and management.

Year to Year contract (Journeymen Contract), no signing bonus, entitled only to a cap of 500 dollars of performance bonus, amount of overtime is determined by management cap cannot exceed the 5 year contract cap. 150 dollars for off the field incidents that injure the worker.

On Call Contract, no signing bonus, no performance bonus, overtime is determined by management cap cannot exceed more than 75% of the 5 year contract cap. Amount for off the field incidents are determined by management cannot exceed 350 dollars.

Employee contracts can be consecutive at the same facility in the same department.

Supervisor Contracts

3 Year Contract- Signing bonus to be determined by the company,  Salary: 20% above the industry standard. No performance bonuses. 1 year probation must get a satisfactory ratings/performance to continue. Is subject to a 2 year term in the same facility, same department/ 3 year term in the same facility, different department. After terms are fulfilled they must relocate to another facility if there is not a position available they can enter a common workers contract or foreman contract.

Foreman Contract- No signing bonus, Salary 10% above industry standard, no performance bonuses. Year to Year contract. No probation and no performance standards. Hours capped to 1000 hours a year not to exceed 1300. Reports to the 3 year contract Supervisor.

Management Contracts.
Management is a servant to the company and are not assets. The asset is the employee. The contract for a manager is more volatile.

Every manager is on a year to year contract, salary 30% above industry standards and performance is based on.
The ability to lead
Another metric is the number of write ups or punishments given. If they give too many its a sign of them losing control and counts against them
Can only serve 2 years in the same facility same department after that they must move to another facility.
There contract can also be terminated by employee vote, of 75% or above.
They can choose to enter a foreman's contract at lesser pay if no job is available at another location or if they choose not to leave.


Award System Based On Points- Points can be redeem for a designated prize. This is to get the employees working at there best. Sure its like bribery but its better than always having to direct the employee to do something or having them sitting idle. The point system would work something like this. Although some of these are hard to track

3.5 points for saying hello to a customer
10 points for regular assigned duties (service)
15 points for activities outside of the the department (service)
20 points for labor within the department
30 points for labor outside of department
50 points for serving the customer within the department
70  points for serving a customer outside of the department
100 points for other associates sales credit (as in you help a customer in another department there's a sale you pass it on to that sales associate in that department)
200 points going above and beyond the call of duty (member of management and associate have to witness this)


Thought I'd add an interesting one....

Trade Market- Just like in sports I think there should be a trade market in retail for a couple of reasons.
1.) Gives the employees more security as in keeps them employed
2.) Gives troubled employees who are hard working another chance to improve and start a new slate
3.) Helps with people who are tired of doing the same process over and over again.
4.) Spreads the wealth of talent around to help all "big league" businesses
Sure it has flaws small businesses couldn't compete in this but this is still a tool that would empower the employee to cultivate there intellect and change there ways in some cases.
Lets face it alot of us dream what it would be like to be in big league sports why not implement that in everyday business....


Policy and Stats Clause (similar to Personal Issue and Decision Clause/ Passion Clause)- Employees or Associates have the right to know what companies policy is. And have the right to know the statistics or certain factors such as outcomes like what happens when you violate a policy or walk away from a supervisor or whatever the violation may be.

Amnesty Clause- Each employee should be entitled to one serious violation that is to be waived. However, if a second serious violation occurs it can incur a punishment determined by a collaboration of the company union rep and HR.

Rebuttal Clause- Employees have a right to Rebuttal that will be reviewed by the Company Union Rep/Employee Relations Associate and HR for a decision. If there is a deadlock it will be reviewed by a panel of 3 members of management/supervisors and 3 members of associates not associated with the department. The Rebuttal cannot take place until after 14 days of the initial write up. This serves two purposes: 1- it protects the employee from inflaming the situation 2- its gives both parties a chance to cool down.
Management also has the same right if the associate/employee write up or violation is overturned. They are held to the same standards they can submit a rebuttal no less than 14 days after the overturn verdict.

Collaboration Clause- Any form of competition between departments, associates or management is not tolerated. Everyone works for one goal. Every department must work together if not upper management, upper management or company union can implement the Switch Effect. Switch Effect consists of a switching of departments by parties in conflict if necessary a full switch - everyone switches.(all departments will be cross trained).

Mandatory Cross Training Policy- All associates will be cross trained in all areas. This does not mean the associate is forced to go to a department when needed. The associate will still have a choice. This is to reduce stress and doing the same repetitive job task over and over again and to give the associate more hours. The policy also benefits the company by shrinking there departments thus saving money.

Reasonable Production Clause- Production forecasts and goals will be over exaggerated (by a small margin or huge margin). If an associate is not making goal but is close or shows an attempt they are not subject to termination (they could be subject to coaching/plans/follow ups). However, if the associate is not making production for a long period of time (not just 1 day more like 3 or 4 weeks) they are to be put on an action plan if they there is no improvement they are given a decision day and given 30 days to correct the situation before getting terminated in good standing. Determination of acceptable standards will be negotiated between HR, company Union and management.

Company Union Rep/ Employee Relations Associate is to act as an advocate for the employees. They are to back up the employees even if they are wrong.
HR- is to protect the management with the same standards as stated above.
Upper Management- is to stay out of any relations. This is to prevent perceptions and actions of favoritism and increase morale. If anything they're job is to protect company assets and operations.

If any conflict is to occur where tensions are high. Either party has the right to take a 15 min cool down. The cool down can be anything except for any violence, threats, harassment or safety violations (grey area is to occur however). They are not to leave the premises no farther than the parking lot.


Company Union- Create an organization for the employees and by the employees with a board of the employees choosing. This would create positive morale and a sense of having someone sticking up for the little guy. Will carry a company union rep. or the employee relations associate will carry this title.

Put management on the same playing field as the associates- In my experience with companies they seem to protect and keep there managers essentially acting as a union for there managers while there employees get nothing. Make the management accountable don't have HR protect them. If its an issue where both parties are at fault give both parties the same treatment

Anti- Retaliation Clause- Retaliation should have a zero tolerance policy and should gear more towards management. Management is 60-70% of the problem. How do you quell this situation? 3 strikes rule- when does it count? When management tries to terminate an associate through a technically (mandatory work day or schedule the employee on a day the employee cannot come in and the employee already specifies that he or she cannot come in, etc)

Force Transfer and Termination Clause- If an employee has continual conflicts with management ie supervisors, managers in their respective department. Immediate removal is required. In 6 months if the associate shows the same behavior in there new department they are to be immediately terminated. If the decision is made to keep the associate in the same department the associate has the right to petition for a Transfer and Termination Clause to be enacted.

 Personal Issue and Decision Clause/ Passion Clause- if an associate or a member of management violates any policies, procedure or rules of the company that stems from a legitimate personal issue (family, stress, health) they have the right to petition for this clause a minimum of 6 months is required for the clause to be enacted special considerations are permitted. The associate or manager is then given 3 paid 6 hour days to decide whether to continue employment. They shall write a plan of action if they come back but will not incur any penalty such as (probation for a year from promotion etc.)


Romance/Relationship Engagement Contract- Same as a love contract that some business talk about but never implement or silently implement this is entirely different. An Associate/Supervisor, Associate/Manager, Associate/Associate should be freely engage in relationship/romance off the clock or behind the scenes with protection from sexual harassment (however if one person is uncomfortable they are protected under whatever sexual harassment policy is in place) or termination. At the same time the engaged persons are fully responsible for the actions that may break company policy. The two persons should not be in the same department.

Protect the Employee First (Splash the Flame) Policy- If there is a problem with the a Supervisor/Associate or Associate/Associate (even Associate/Manager) any event that does not involve physical or verbal violence. Basically this is a policy of discussing and mediating independently with the parties involved. If there is no solution, a designated mediator for the department/store will step in to resolve the situation. If there is still a problem a manager or HR is to step in.

Implementation of an Employee Relations Associate- To offset HR and police HR from protecting the companies assets 90% of the time. A Employee Relations Associate is designated out of a lottery (literally a paper out of a hat type of system) they of course will have a trial period to determine if they are suited for the position. There will will be a different ERA every year to hold integrity in the position they can be voted out by the associates at any time (management has no say). This Designated Associate will defend or protect the employee in situations where HR or Management will try to gain control, threaten or manipulate the employee. They are also there to hear the employees difficulties and complaints without the fear or threat of "being at odds" with management.

Clearing House (A)- Associates can implement a "Clearing House" which requires a vote of 85%. In this policy the management is automatically put on a 90 probation to change whatever they are doing wrong and to increase morale.
 Clearing House (*)- If average of turnover is abnormally higher than industry average Management is put on a 90 day probation regardless of rank and years.

Discount- There should be an increase for the amount of years you work for the companies for example 20% 0-5 years, 25% 5-10 years etc.

10/7 Rule- Employee should have the right to override a company's decision to layoff or terminate them if they've had 10 years in the business and 7 years with the company. Providing there in 75% good standing.

Challenge Writeups- Associates can challenge write ups. They are to reviewed by the Employee Relations Associate and HR then submitted to HQ or arbitrator. However, it can be resolved by management if both parties are satisfied.


In The Trade Discount- All retail workers are in the same boat go through just about the same thing, Why not have a discount in other competitor stores from 5% to 20% percent? This increasing employee morale and pushes companies to treat employees better.

Waive the Conflict of Interest Policy- People need to pay bills and need to have some sense of stability. The only clause I would put in there is a worker can not be a supervisor in either company if they are to work for both companies. It honestly benefits companies better they get people who know what there doing and know where the discounts are. Gives a customer a piece of mind and doesn't push the customer into buying something they want to research further.

Contracts (like MLB not as expensive though lol) this could still institute a conflict of interest clause infact it makes more sense in this scenario instead of what they have now. Employees are given a choice to devote no years and have no type of benefits. Or a 3 to 5 year with benefits if an employee breaks a contract they leave losing all benefits. If an employer decides to sever the employee the employee gets severance pay (retailers and retail warehouses would then have the option to sever bad or non productive employee easier). Simple. You won't have high turnover and you are able to retain some of the employees who are an asset.


On Call
So with retail companies that have the on-call position or temporary position there somewhat of a problem of having fairness in that type of system so to mediate that situation there should be three categories I will name these On-call positions but they can be applied to temporary positions as well. Performance can and should be overridden in place of minor and mild disciplinary actions. This shall be determined by the Union rep or steward, employee relations associate and a panel mix with external board (budget permitting), internal board (group of associates), management, and union reps evenly.

(CompanyName) Star On-Call Associate- Get's same treatment as part time associate on availability of hours. If they accumulate enough hours (C)SOCA  will get part time pending budget of the following fiscal year.

Premium On-Call Associate- Gets a priority call in or scheduling option in addition they earn a first priority on any part time position that opens up.

In Transfer or Training On-Call Associate-Gets 2ndary priority on hours (pending on how many there is ) and has a minimum of 60 scheduled days to meet exceptions and 120 scheduled days to exceed expectations.

Standard On-Call Associate- Get's either 2nd priority or regular priority. They are subject the standards of the quota presented. No extra perks associate with this level. Can be subject to a performance review plan giving the associate 90 (worked) days to correct performance or behavior.


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