Why Be Outspoken?

Why not follow the path of least resistance?
Why not go with the flow?
Why do you have to be different?
Why must you fantasize in something the world will never be?
Why push the envelope when you know you've lost?
Why push buttons when you know its not smart and advantageous?
Why are you intent on being under the gun, underdog, in trouble etc.?
Why can't you be a model?

My answer would be: Why should I be perfect when its a lot more enticing not to be? I don't accept the world as it is now because don't agree with it. We live in a world where "being all you can be is" is everything! And being content well being content is just being lazy.

I don't go with the flow never did I've always seen myself as an outsider. I think going with the flow is stupid your just being what other people want you to be a robot laughing whenever someone cracks a joke or clapping when someone makes a great presentation.

Following the path of least resistance is wise however, if you look at us as human beings we don't follow the least resistance we follow the most resistance because some think is "fun". Think Capt Kirk and Star Trek he never did take the path of least resistance.

Everyone is different if everyone was the same it would be a pretty boring existence

You always have a dream of what the world should be. Everyone has there own interpretation.

Pushing the envelope and buttons don't we all do this sometimes we take certain things personally its only human (everyone does this I don't care if your the most religious person on the planet). Its like driving a car on a dusty paved road (dirt destroys!) and your going 65mph and you say to yourself or a friend "hey I wonder how fast this car will go and how it will react(most have a speed chip sensor)" So you try it testing the limits of your car. Same thing with people who overclock there computer and those people who over pack the crap out of boxes. Believe it or not they have reactions. Person- argues back, Car- loses a few bolts=engine starts to billow with smoke, box=explodes and stuff all over the place.

Being under the gun, underdog, trouble etc. presents a challenge. Whats the challenge? Its "can i get out of this?", "how am i gonna get out of this", etc. many people see it as a game. Many people prefer to be in the underdog role so that they can rise to prominence and look great. They take it as an extra challenge to a job they may not like or think its boring. Another plus is if they overcome it companies favor them at times because they see "hey that guy was in the heap of the trash and look where he or she's at now"(Would you take a person whose come off of failure and adversity and championed it or a person fresh out of college whose never lost) They essentially become instant role models for people who are in the same boat they're more respected.

Being a model is hard you have to carry yourself a certain way you don't want to corrupt because it all falls back on you. Which lands you in the doghouse.

Well enough with this I mean here I am answering myself.
My advice: Do what you want to do and don't let people get in the way. Just take the judgements and throw them in the trash. If your happy with what your doing keep doing it.


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