In The Defense Of Nonconformity, Rogue Nations, Rogue People, Rogue Anything and Everything, Absolutely (Non- conformist Manifesto)

There is nothing wrong with being a nonconformist
There is nothing wrong with being a rogue influence, person or country
People are afraid of change, afraid of new ideas, and afraid of themselves changing absolutely.
Threats are not threats if handled correctly.
What is my basis for this why am I saying this I am saying this because I myself am a nonconformist. I don't buy that the world has to be run by a group of rich elite
I don't believe that to have an effective workplace that you need authoritarian dictatorships
I believe the US needs to bow out of foreign affairs and stop categorizing what is evil and what is good.
Corporations if they are people should never deny healthcare, layoff people, and take offense when someone opposes them.
Am I saying I hate rich people? No! I don't mind the Steve Wynns, Ed Snider and even Hefner. I do mind the rich people who throw money at campaigns and lobbyists to get there way.
Yes I support unions but do I see there faults? Absolutely! They work like a business act like a business and most of them are no better than the greedy corporation.
So why do I support unions?
I support them because it gives some hope to the common man
Should unions change? absolutely
How do they change how does anything change for that matter? Nonconformity being rogue standing up for something you believe in no matter what the odds are.
That's what is missing in our society. Not enough people will sacrifice.
Sacrifice going 1 up against some corporation and there lawyers trying to dig up every dirt they can find against you and using it against you.

What to do? What to do?

Working culture/ General protests on policy etc. / life

1. Stop accepting that everything that happens in the world you can't control. Start thinking that you can make a change research, get involved, make that striving change.
2. Make every effort to change the culture.
3. Don't accept that your chained down to a job with no where to go but to conform. Fight it fight it until you lose. You may become a laughing stock or an undesirable. But somewhere your message will be heard, someone will pick up the torch and fulfill your legacy.
4. Think William Wallace in Braveheart he never conformed to the English he found demise in the worst way but set the stage of great things to come and finally reaching the goal for independence.
5. Stay positive you get let go of 5 different jobs for instance keep fighting to get that job and to change the culture.
6. Effectively Protest. If you get a good number of people to protest don't just abide by a standard. Take a play from the protests of the past. Sitdowns, don't let law enforcement intimidate you stand your ground.
7. Always let your management or opposition know where you stand. But don't go overboard to where they drown you in debt.
8. Don't be a debt slave
9. To override any of this without looking like a double cross get a job that has security, pensions, healthcare, and takes care of the employees.
10. So what if you get ridiculed for your belief system just walk away ignore them. Pay them no attention. Don't call them names, don't give them excuses as to why they oppose you ( that guy just didn't suck on his momma's teets that well), just don't pay attention.

Rogue Nations

1. Keep being rogue! The US, UN, elite have no business in your affairs anyways.
2. Keep refusing inspections.
3. Keep hating those entities.
4. Threats could be toned a bit not so outlandish especially if its just to get resources.
5. Take care of your people feed them nurture them.

Honestly if these nations were to just be left alone they would either implode because they have failed or prosper because no one bothers them. Only reason why these nations threaten is to get resources. Sure I don't like what goes on in these counties but who the hell are we to tell someone what to do.

May add more but have a nice day.


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