The Pedals

In Vegas, after a buffet at the casino for dinner and having one beer which is included in this buffet. I decided I'd go up to my room and take a nap, I woke up late so I rush to get dressed to go to a show at the south end of the strip well I'm late just 10 minutes. I take my seat

I'd say in the middle of the show there were some acrobatic stunts, followed by those annoying paper pedals. I know this was probably a coincidence but as the acrobat was dropping these paper pedals there were two, what I call renegade ones, that fell at the right of my seat on the floor. I felt something there and I don't have a clue why but I can tell you this I was hooked on that show and haven't forgot most of it.

And it's dumb I know those pedals have no meaning whatsoever I mean paper goes all over the place but for some reason I thought it meant something I just don't know what it was and I still don't know.

And a feeling previously of "Vegas is getting old" is now reinvigorated to well what other shows are out in Vegas. *I should say it wasn't that show it was the piano bars they are what Cleopatras barge should be


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