OPINION:Zack Grienke: "more of a hassle than anything" No Hitter


So Zack Grienke said it he said according to CBS Sports who sourced it from the Athletic

"Greinke conceded that he wouldn't want to deal with the publicity that throwing a no-hitter would involve. Rather, recording a no-no would be "more of a hassle than anything," in Greinke's estimation, per Zach Buchanan of the Athletic."

rest of the quote from MLB network "he said, referring to the added attention it would bring. “Just [like] the Sports Illustrated article. A bunch of nonsense comes with it. I don’t think about no-hitters, ever.”

Grienke is referring to the Sports Illustrated article that gave him unwanted attention and hassle

If you read further in the CBS article you will find that he had a blunt statement he made to Alex Gordon and then an interview with a reporter about being a shortstop that was a clear joke. 

This sorta illustrates as to why he belongs on a small market team, in a big market he probably would slammed they would say how can he not care about a no hitter every pitcher would care about a no hitter what the heck especially from fans. Honestly when researching this I was very shocked to see there was no criticism of him on that comment (and there definitely should not be any criticism except from fans) Here are some baseball fan quotes

20 hours ago
I would think that Zach Greinke will end-up in the Hall of Fame. He was stellar back in KC and remains so today. You wonder if he'll ever lose his stuff, but then he proves to you that he hasn't. Just a great ballplayer. I hope that he will pitch this well for another 10 years.

20 hours ago
Gotta say, I love this guy. As a Dodgers fan, it was great when he was a Dodger and I hated seeing him go. His stuff is not the same now as it was then, but he's a gamer for sure.

18 hours ago
He's a head-case.

19 hours ago
greinke is a lunatic. he needs to go away

There is a comment here on the forum I didn't bother to put on here but it says he's all about the money. My response of course that's what majority of these ballplayers are wanting money to me its not a problem (unless they go on strike again) and its never going to change.

The way is he's putting the team first and there is nothing wrong with that he also has an anxiety problem https://www.truebluela.com/2013/2/15/3992668/zack-greinke-dodgers-social-anxiety-disorder so its understandable why he wouldn't want the no hitter. If he though the Sports Illustrated issue of him was a hassle and a pain he probably wouldn't want to go through the same thing.

There are many people that say they don't like him because he comes off cold or he's only in it for the money. I don't think so I think he just wants to be left alone and he wants to focus on the task at hand pitching I completely understand that if you were to look at some of his quotes and his past interview the guy clearly wants to be left alone. Just look at these quotes from Grienke

"To talk to people, I have to spend energy talking to them. If I expend my energy on talking to people and making friends, it takes away from the energy I could focus on getting ready to pitch". Zack Grienke
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/zack_greinke_832197

I don't like to just talk about nothing, or less than nothing. If it's something interesting, I'm fine with it, but, 'Hey, Zack, how is your day?' People ask that, and somebody actually tells them what happened in their day? I don't have any real interest in that. Zack Greinke
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/zack_greinke_832189

I mean I relate to him 100% it takes alot of energy out of me to talk to people and whenever i say anything it comes out weird or most people don't care so why even talk at all. So it totally frustrates me when I see a comment like this
16 hours ago
When Greinke was an unknown rookie, I went to a Royals game at Angel Stadium to see a family friend on the team. I was wearing my Royals hat at BP and Greinke was walking up the first baseline towards me in the front row. No one was around me and no one was around him. I took my hat off and kindly said, "Hey, Zach. Can you sign my hat for a Royals fan?" He stopped, made eye contact with me for 2 seconds, looked at my hat for 2 seconds, looked up at me again for 2 seconds, looked back at my hat for 2 seconds, and then walked off without saying a word. His facial expressions never changed for the entire 10 second interaction. He basically looked like a zombie. No one knew who he was, but I did. All he had to do was quickly sign my hat and walk away. From that point on, I have no respect for him as a person. As a pitcher, yes, but as a person he is doesn’t have any respect for the fans. And I have no respect for him. The fans are why you play the game. Without us, you’d have nothing.

I can understand where this guy is coming from but I feel that 10 seconds is not how you judge someone. I mean he doesn't like to interact he's a different person. I imagine if I were in that role I'd probably do the same thing.

Last Point I want to make. I feel Zack Grienke made a mistake the mistake is engaging with the media I think if he would have ignored the media (maybe he would take some fines) he'd have better concentration and be a slightly better pitcher and I mean to the likes of Steve Carlton. And call me crazy but to me Zack Grienke's personality just personality is somewhat similar to Steve Carlton.

"It (not talking to the media from 1974 through the end of his career) was perfect for me at the time. It took me two years to make up my mind. I was tired of getting slammed. To me it was a slap in the face. But it (his silence) made me concentrate better. And the irony is that they wrote better without access to my quotes. It's all quotes, anyway, and it all sounds the same to me. After that they wrote better and more interesting stuff. I took it personal. I got slammed quite a bit. To pick up the paper and read about yourself getting slammed, that doesn't start your day off right." Steve Carlton

here's a quote about Steve Carlton
"(Steve) Carlton was not your normal guy. Communicating with him was not always easy. On the mound, he would tune out all distractions. Off the mound, he did the same. If he considered you the distraction, he'd direct at you an icy stare. Teammates considered him to be a recluse. He hated to sign autographs. He refused to talk to reporters for long stretches at a time. He was devoted to the martial arts. He studied Far East religions. He was a wine connoisseur. He pissed people off with his stand-offishness and arrogance. Carlton was also the finest left handed pitcher of his generation. In a career that would last twenty-four years, he would win 329 games, ninth all-time, with an ERA of 3.22. His 4,136 strikeouts were second all-time only to Nolan Ryan. Unfortunately, most of his career was not spent in St. Louis, but rather in Philadelphia." - Peter Golenbock in The Spirit of St. Louis (2000)

small section on wikipedia on Carlton's relationship with the media- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Carlton#Relationship_with_the_media


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