Saying Hi

What is wrong with Phoenix in general?
Who taught everyone to be sheltered and well assholes I'm being frank here
When someone says hello it doesn't mean, "they want something", "they're hitting on you", "they're trying to talk to you" etc. I mean this is what I imagine they're thinking just based off of what I think. Usually these aren't busy and don't have a place to be. Funny story I use to live in a place where you'd see someone rushing to work and they still say hello then said I'm late for work (didn't even know this person) but I said hello back. How hard is it to do that, shucks even my brief stint in Texas people had the common courtesy.

At work, I don't mind I personally don't conversate myself but I work in a warehouse and I get into the zone but if someone says hello to me you bet i'm gonna give the courtesy back of saying hello and I do.

And no I don't think its because of the technology. It just drives me nuts I don't know why.


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