Thats Life

So I watched the Joker Movie i have to say this, after i watched it I said "what the fuck did I just watch?" Whenever a movie gives me that reaction its a good movie it did its job. The message it conveyed to me is never give up because you might accomplish something... I know pretty weird right, its a movie about a psychopath but he stumbled and stumbled and stumbled picked himself up and made himself something it resonates with the poor and middle class, even in the world of sports I always enjoy when a last round pick or a person whose too small or too weak makes it to the pros.

Ever since that movie I've been in love with this song by Frank Sinatra called "Thats Life" yet I feel this song belongs in some mob movie where a member steals funding from the family so he gets a hit on him and gets killed, lays on the ground bleeding from the mouth. Guy who shoots him walks over and takes the silver dollar out of his hand and puts a bullet instead. Might of been a movie I watched years ago on the Mob or something I don't know I watch too many crime movies.


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