
Showing posts from April, 2020

OPINION PIECE: ROK army needs to overthrow South Korean President Moon

But they wont because they're cowards and they don't realized theyre own democracy is in peril by electing Moon for a 2nd term you are only expediting the CCP's influence and capitulating to Kim Jung Un's dictatorial power. And in my opinion, the first thing the ROK army should do is kick out the US military personnel. Its only creating a divide on the South Korean peninsula and I believe they don't need them. The South Koreans need to put aside they're differences and have a stronger alliance with Japan. I fully believe Japan has no desire to rule Korea again instead they would focus on the Chinese mainland. If they are smart they will create an alliance with the Taiwanese and Hong Kong protesters to try and overthrow the CCP in China whether out in the open or undercover. Many asian countries are sick of the CCP's bullshit and the current South Korean President is a North Korean sympathizer not only that he is sympathetic to the North Korean puppet to Chin...

What I took Away From The Earp History

Earps were proven in history to be a family that was in a search for the next hustle the next way of making money. I admire that hustle to a certain extent, Wyatt Earp was known in history as a hero, I believe he is not I believe everything he did was out of money. When he was a sheriff and a Marshall he was making money out of taxes and people who he caught. Now for me I would of loved to live the lifestyle. What most people don't realize is Wyatt Earp was of his day oh well lets just say it a modern day Kevin Costner when he was popular he was a hero, villian, superstar rolled up into one. The difference between Costner and Earp was Costner is just an actor and Earp well he was many things. Point is Wyatt Earp was a profiteer and I'm not gonna lie I'd probably do the same thing. I wouldn't be as dependent and that would make me better. People who know me would not put me in the category of Wyatt Earp trust me they would laugh (hell even Wyatt Earp and his brothers wou...

I Hope The CCP gets overthrown for this virus

I'd say last year before this virus even happened, if I were given some type of decision making and a sum of money (Hypothetical of course I have no skill) that would satisfy me I'd be apart of any totalitarian regime. I'm part South Korean decent, if I were offered a lucrative deal from the North I would do business with them no questions asked. Now I look at this virus we have and the cover up that is being done by the CCP and China, they are no different from the Nazis or the Mussolini fascists. Pumping up propaganda and lying about the figures of they're deaths. Trying to look like the good guy when the regime is the one who brought it on. Don't believe me look it up if you want. I just want to make this short and sweet.

Parking Lot For Homeless In Vegas

ARTICLE: Las Vegas is putting homeless in parking lots to limit the spread of the virus. There is outrage because of the empty hotels and its prompted public figures to speak out.  From the TIME article piece "Former Obama administration housing chief Julian Castro suggested in a post on Twitter that the city’s homeless should be temporarily placed in empty hotel rooms." "Added actress Alyssa Milano in a tweet: “In Las Vegas, homeless people are sleeping on concrete floor of a parking lot —six feet apart—while all the hotel rooms are empty.”" City Officials defended the move from the time article: "City officials said they decided to temporarily place the homeless in a parking lot of a multi-use facility rather than inside buildings that include a stadium, a theater, exhibit space and meeting rooms, because officials planned to reserve them for potential hospital overflow space if needed....

Interesting New Times We Live In

The virus that shall not be named as of now according to Worldometer has 42,385 people dead. According to many experts and and the briefings this virus is bad and will result in more people dead. As of now there is no cure but hopefully it slows down. Right now the toll doesn't seem to be a big deal however, what is alarming is the briefing on March 31st stating its going to be a rough two weeks from a president who want nothing more than to have people go back to work and have the economy working great again. (I didn't watch it, I read about it and was told about it). Everything felt fine I went to Burger King because I was craving it went there and it was closed drove back and got ready for work. As I got out of my apartment I felt a sense of dread and a sense of "everything's going to change" This might just be the brain clicking on all cylinders realizing the severity of the situation. The scary part of this whole situation is not everyone is heeding the recom...