Interesting New Times We Live In

The virus that shall not be named as of now according to Worldometer has 42,385 people dead. According to many experts and and the briefings this virus is bad and will result in more people dead. As of now there is no cure but hopefully it slows down. Right now the toll doesn't seem to be a big deal however, what is alarming is the briefing on March 31st stating its going to be a rough two weeks from a president who want nothing more than to have people go back to work and have the economy working great again. (I didn't watch it, I read about it and was told about it). Everything felt fine I went to Burger King because I was craving it went there and it was closed drove back and got ready for work. As I got out of my apartment I felt a sense of dread and a sense of "everything's going to change" This might just be the brain clicking on all cylinders realizing the severity of the situation. The scary part of this whole situation is not everyone is heeding the recommended steps to ensure the least amount of people gets infected. Look I'll admit I'm laid back on it but, I'm not gonna be an idiot and go into the sauna, especially if its been used previously I don't care how many chemicals they put in there and I'm hearing there are still parties in this time I wouldn't be caught dead in one. At times I'm not even comfortable going into stores I limit my space between people or I just go early. Do I think there's an overreaction of course do I think people should ignore the safe practices of social distancing? NO!!!!!!!!!! If this gets worse the people aren't taking this seriously will screw us all over. All this virus needs to do is mutate again and for things to get worse than it already is. Which gets me to a grind my gears moment, will it get worse in the next two weeks are the numbers they're projecting correct? Probably. Whats my opinion its either going to be less or more of what they are projecting. One thing people should be looking at is the unknown factor, not everyone is tested, not everyone knows if they have the virus or not. The fear on people's mind should be if the virus mutates again to where it infects more people.

This can go one of two ways:

1. Stopping the spread, finding a cure and dealing with this virus yearly during the season perhaps its another addition to the flu or goes by the wayside like SARS
2. Kills millions of people, restricted lifestyle, cure comes and the world is changed.

How would Vegas fair in my opinion
Oh and Vegas would go back to normal if they stop spread and find cure, Vegas landscape changes if it kills millions reason being is the economy for the industry would suffer, alot of casino corporations would go out of business I could see the state of nevada taking most of them over and running it for a while until a corporation takes it off they're hands or big hotel or other industry corporations taking over the liquidated casinos.

Something tells me its not either number 1 or 2 but its gonna get worse its just an intuition I have no proof.
However lets hope this goes away by fall and everything goes back to normal and this will be a fart in the wind.


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