OPINION PIECE: ROK army needs to overthrow South Korean President Moon

But they wont because they're cowards and they don't realized theyre own democracy is in peril by electing Moon for a 2nd term you are only expediting the CCP's influence and capitulating to Kim Jung Un's dictatorial power. And in my opinion, the first thing the ROK army should do is kick out the US military personnel. Its only creating a divide on the South Korean peninsula and I believe they don't need them. The South Koreans need to put aside they're differences and have a stronger alliance with Japan. I fully believe Japan has no desire to rule Korea again instead they would focus on the Chinese mainland. If they are smart they will create an alliance with the Taiwanese and Hong Kong protesters to try and overthrow the CCP in China whether out in the open or undercover. Many asian countries are sick of the CCP's bullshit and the current South Korean President is a North Korean sympathizer not only that he is sympathetic to the North Korean puppet to China and would not hesitate to have his state be apart of the CCP terrorist state. Moon may present himself as being the next Sejong but he is no more than what Park Chung-hee was a dictator who brought more control and censorship to the state. Honestly, they were better with Park Chung-hee's daughter in charge. The South Korean citizens are in peril if they let Moon stay in power without an overthrow it will mean unification of the Korean Peninsula at North Korean terms. And a full allegiance of the CCP in South Korea which means less freedoms, more censorship and more control. Put a temporary military junta in there, China doesn't get the South Korean peninsula, I believe there would be a stronger relationship with the Japanese who act as the new protector (when US personnel leaves), and democracy would be restored when Moon is removed either peacefully or forcefully. Its up to the South Korean people do you want to be a puppet of the CCP China government who will strip your resources or do you want to be free with the help of Japan (I full believe Japan only cares about China and its regime, also believe there can be a collective of countries to include Taiwan that would fight a war with the Peoples Liberation Army)

It always bugged me how my korean uncles, aunts and even my korean mother have a distaste for japan because of the past conquering of Korea. I always thought it was petty then again I grew up in the US and the only wars we "unoffically" lost or stalemated was the Korean and Vietnam war. I mean are the South Korean people that stupid as to think that the Meeguks are gonna be there forever and the Chinese are they're "friends"? China is trying to capitulate them.


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