Workplaces is Still Stuck in the 80's and 90's and Work in general

 Companies harp on team member/associate empowerment, inclusion and feedback on managerial decisions. This is all a façade and an illusion. Am I surprised no. But it was very clear to me when I tried to correct a manager on a statement he made where he said the policy of "no outside food or beverage" was put in place in his previous establishment to get people to eat at the restaurant in his establishment. I corrected him and said that's not the only reason its because they can get sued for someone getting sick off of 3rd party food. He looked away from me and said he was going to get confirmation of that. 

Another note did the GM ever look at the 3rd party food and beverage contract for the restaurant when I heard it was 15% of revenue from the finance girl and not sales I laughed. They are getting every little money for a restaurant that is half the lobby.

Another thing my boss of boss the executive boss.... I'm to stock items non alcoholic and alcoholic. This guy wont seperate the two and he wont have stricter control on the alcohol. Plus the inventory will be done weekly. What a rook his reasoning, cameras and there are no blind spots. It should be done everyday he's a fool if he thinks there are no blind spots.

It is why I drink beer and reminisce being at the Borderline dreaming I was of age and having OB at thte bar while trying to understand what the Bartender was saying with her broken accent and singing karaoke of that wang chung song.

The clear division between management and associate exists. Not only that I work with management that acts like they know what they're doing, but in reality doesn't have the slightest clue.

I know no one knows what I'm talking about I could be highly inaccurate. The management acts like the 8th management with the exception of one, they think they're all that and a lotte chocolate bar. The enclaves and eastern corridor management would just sit back and eat popcorn looking at all the chickens with heads cut off. There openings were cut like smooth butter and had all policies and procedures in place with tweaks here and there. 8th would be enlisting enclave and eastern corridor, take there policies and ideas to bill as there own ideas and polices they came up with.

The enclave and eastern corridor management would empower there employees by giving them the tools and leaving them be. The 8th management would micromanage and make sure they get full compliance and production from there employees only to have those same employees slack off once they turn there back. 

Now I have no idea how its going to be at the new place I work but to me thats the way its going. The spirit of the 8th is in full force with Region and Corporate support.

Why do I type this garbage? Its to cope and its to laugh also to reminisce of what could've been.

And I will say this. I could've kept another job that paid more, had no upward mobility chance that was 10x easier with no customer interaction 

Instead I took a job that is looked down upon because its "laidback" and has the illusion of "making your own decisions" this job was promising because the person that hired me I like for some reason I was able to relate but they are PCSing out of here. 

Then I took another job where your a babysitter and the only management function you might have is removing people from situations. 

Both positions have a 1% chance of me moving up. How do I know? Hint: management will sell you a dream.... associates even company men and women will tell you exactly how it is. This is why I take management with a grain of salt when it comes to these topics.

Leadership positions: 3 times 3 horrible results

1. Moved several places, didn't back my upper management and I supported and defended my associates

2. I again supported my associates but tried to light a fire on my lazy associates. Didn't work well with the client and command was promptly let go

3. Set strict polices and procedures, associates didn't care no support from upper management

There you go my failure at leadership in a nutshell. Thats why Im trying to branch into finance, revenue or accounting. I put this on here because I don't care in that I'll never get rich and I'll never succeed the only way I am going to be successful is by some lucky investment. Just being real. I'm trying the piano but to be honest I'm not motivated.

But I try to keep the Enclave and Eastern Corridor mindset of "Better yourself, you go alone in life but miracles happen"

Had an ABM tell me when I was a little kid, "kid don't find yourself at 33 single with no management job you are damaged goods" well guess where I'm at. 


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