A new take on star trek

I believe that star trek should incorporate ground units like infantry Deep space nine dived minimally into it. The reality is that a real life star trek has to have infantry, airborne, mechanics, artillery not just ships to save the day. And one would think these members of star fleet would not be well recognized. So why not make shows of star trek with ground forces?  Have a legit rivalry between the two. Well because Star Trek is based in the stars and people want heroes like Kirk and Picard. People overlook the "little people". Hell I'd love for them to make a star trek with ground forces and civilians at a "demarcation line" to show dangerous the split between the Koreas is and how China and US are just puppeting both countries,

Split the two planets have two factions the Federation supporting one half and some other faction supporting the other. Starfleet has bases and a space port near the planet with two ships. They are in a defensive position. They provoke the other faction by putting more ground forces. A smart leader pushes them away from the demarcation line but puts all resources into a base that is still vulnerable along with two air bases in the same position. Starfleet does enough provocation to where the other side either makes a mistake and kills people or kills people deliberately forcing a war starleet isn't prepared for

Evacuation ships arrive only to be blown away with federation civilians on it. The two air bases are obliterated. Starfleet command underestimates the technology and the sheer amount of weapons the otherside of the planet has. On the ground most federation civilians who have never served go with the ground forces with them knowing they will have to fend for themselves, they end up picking up the fallen enemy weapons and are unofficially fighting on the side of starfleet, while Federation civilians who decided to take cover with the planet civilians are turned over to the enemy saving themselves. Federation civilians are executed.

 you have section 31 and the romulans, and it seems starfleet hasnt learned from the past so why not Will they make a show like that? Most likely no


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