lower contract workers and cliques

 Not talking about the Honeywell's, raytheons the good money contractor mostly government contractors

I'm talking about contractors on the entry level. This is an opinion its not really a complaint i've been in house and worked where they have contractors or third party, and i've worked for the otherside.

See at least if you are with a government contractor you are almost making as much as a GS and you get treated differently but its in the slightest and if your good your well liked

In the lower levels there's a distinct separation and difference and you feel it by association let me explain.

Inferiority- Sometimes you come in and they already think your bad because of the company you work for or past experience.

They took our job syndrome when the reality is the in house company is saving money

As a contractor, 3rd party or temp you get "false golden tickets" in otherwords they tell you "you can get permanent or convert in 6 months" After that 6 months your gone or in the same position

Schedule is subject to change always

To me these are the biggest things

there are pro's to being a contractor

No obligation

motivation to find better

motivation to do better or increase a skill

You are an unknown, they don't bother you, you don't bother them as long as you do the job tasked to you

lower expectation because they think your dumb

References if you gel with anyone

Warm bodies doctrine you'll always have a job until you have exhausted everything which in some field wont happen for a long time.

Some pay good money

so in retrospect i shouldve gained a skill,

saying all of this in house is no better here are the main upsides and they are slight

slight amount of respect and commrodery which means nothing in a job your there to collect a paycheck

promotion based on who you kno

slight pay increase

slight job security

oh almost forgot bene's which for some companies its just not worth it. And the unions rip you off and work for themselves and management just like HR in a non union company


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