Wrong direction In Korean Diplomacy: The change in the Unification ministry


South Korea is making a grave mistake as it draws a hard line on North Korean aid, this is a step in the wrong direction and they are going backwards. They are essentially telling the North Koreans we are the puppet of the United States government instead of being its own independent country. The two countries will never unify if one does not give up there dependency on a higher power - North=China / South=US.

How is President Yoon Suk Yeol who is a glorified political police officer going to push for a liberal democratic order in North Korea?  From the South Korean Presidents own words

"From now on, the Unification Ministry must carry out its proper responsibilities in accordance with the constitutional principles that unification must be based on liberal democratic order," Yoon reportedly told staff. 

Remember South Korea not too long ago was a dictatorship with Roh Tae-Woo who was labeled a president had less power, Chun Doo-hwan, and Park Chung Hee.

The answer is not to bully North Korea with military exercises which have been going on for years, exercises that could lead to a provocation of war or north Korean missles misfired on to the south Korean side of the peninsula that would initiate a war.

Unlike the past and believe it or not, the era of Kim ill Sung and Kim Jung ills stability of North Korea is gone. I will admit if Kim Jung Un remains in power nothing will happen it will be business as usual, he dies, gets assasinated to but usurped by his sister we are talking about an unstable Korea and a fanatic that could bring a 2nd Korean war at the least.

You want to push "liberal democratic order" which Korea I can tell you is not, far from it it mimics the US in being an elite oligarchy, but if you want to push that idea, treat north Korea with kid gloves, let the have nukes in my opinion(US has nukes as does many countries), open dialogue, and reinstate a lot of the cooperative initiatives we saw in the 90's and early 2000s

**my opinion on a unified Korea? A dictatorship alot like Park Chung Hee rule to begin with. A free economy to build up the North to its sister the south. Nationalization and isolationism booting the influence of China, Russia and the US which is a good thing. Possible nationalization of certain goods. Nuclear state. No freedom of speech and assemble to deter dissenters from both sides stabilization. Within about 30 to 50 years of the dictatorship it will turn into a republic or a democracy. The Kim family will keep status only in name and would have no power, to execute any of them would be making a martyr 


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