C: When a Corporation or a Company Gets Too Big

So think of any company, product, shoes, brands etc. that you like who at first started off as a small company or a national company that's now global. Do you see any difference? How is there customer service? Products still desirable or the same?
Biggest example is computers...
Microsoft was a big hit when they came out with there windows software. Before...
Apple and Google are big hits now and Microsoft is being seen as an evil empire.
Why do so many people (not all) feel this way..
Microsoft got greedy it hiked up its prices exponentially to where people cannot afford to upgrade right away.
Microsoft customer service is declining.
Apple customer service is one of the best. For example, I needed to refund a song purchased on iTunes I wasn't really nice about in the email inquiry I sent them. Even when rude to Apple iTunes they gladly serviced me and refunded me that same day.
I've dealt with Microsoft in similar but different situations and you either get charged for there service, they don't service the software OEM, or they play musical phones (switching you to different departments).

When a company gets to big it loses sight of what brought them there- the consumers.... The bigger company turns away from its consumers and worries more about sales. Sales as in "make as much as you can and strive to be bigger as can be" Which clouds the company from being the company they use to be. Take a look at gaming for instance from small company to large company
1.) Game purchase, no licenses, free modding
2.) Game purchase, licenses, free modding
3.) Game purchase, licenses, expansions, and free modding.
4.) Game purchase, licenses, expansions, dlc packs, and free modding or limited
5.) Game Purchase, 1 license, expansions, dlc packs, almost no modding.
6.) Security tight (for example, buy a slot for an online game- that slot can only be used for the account purchased on)

Why do gaming companies go through this?,  customer satisfaction has to decrease? No not really. DLC and Expansion packs are just a gimmick they make the perception that the gamer is getting more when in reality he's paying more for features that should've been with the game in the first place. (Hence, most people buy the game a year or 2 after its out when its on sale or they can buy it used)

Why do gaming companies do this PROFIT that's the bottom line they figure they have enough popularity to where they can increase there profits tenfold. Yes gaming companies have a huge expense to deal with but lets also take into account that they get greedy.

I hear of companies sticking to there grassroots and abiding by what there founder had envisioned. Well I've taken a good look at a few companies and I can clearly say without a doubt that it is all propaganda. For Wal-Mart to become bigger or more profitable for instance, they could not keep Sam Waltons dream of "made in the usa" products. They had to outsource. 

Apple is the closest corporation I can think of, that sticks by to what they have been doing. Providing expensive computers, quality, relatively cheap software and great customer service. How about other companies???


  1. I like your point about companies, but in regards to things like micro purchases, (like you mentioned with the game companies) Apple pretty much invented micro purchases through buying single songs in itunes and the app store.


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