Holy Enlightened Path To Destruction

Everyone has there moments,faults, failures and humiliations. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone at a certain point have strings of bad luck.
Well consider my career after college a narrow path of all the vocabulary that I have just mentioned.
But I cannot help wondering back in either my sophomore or junior year did I take the right path its the blue wire or the red wire, its 31 on red or 12 on black, or its Las Vegas vs. Salt Lake City. I had ran into some religious friends (some of the best people I ever met). As I got to know them I found that they were deeply rooted in the teachings of Christianity. I was at a crossroads, didn't know what I believed in. My mind was too bogged up in the notion of having success, being all you can be, and finding the love of my life in college. So I let my mind wonder into the depths of Christianity. I honestly remember the story of apostle Paul (hope I have this right) the person who in the Bible persecuted the Christians and became a Christian himself later in his life. I don't know but I believe I was only told this story twice but it really got me thinking and pondering "Am I doing whats right for me or should it be toward a higher being".
So I began what was my own journey to try and find out if this way of life was for me. I went to a church style meeting called intervarsity every week, went to bible study, and made it a habit to only hangout with my christian friends. As the weeks and months went by I started to think to myself, "you know this might change who I am and what I can become" Oh sure I went to the bible studies with fire n' brimstone disapproving the scripture, arguing, even to the point that many of the Christians there were tense. Yet I still wanted to go through the hardship of becoming a christian. I got my chance when I was gifted a book "jesus for president". Great book to read and it was very interesting however, I never got to finish it (still have it). I was also gifted a wooden camel from the very same friend. 2 gifts out of 4 that I consider the best gifts I ever got besides the puck and the che guevera game my other friend gifted me.
Then the enlightened holy path came for me I was offered an experience that could change the way I live my life and see things. Fall Conference- I was excited to go and it was no cost to me thanks to a pair of friends. So I gladly accepted to go and anticipated the weekend. Weekend arrived went to fall conference and was deeply excited to stay in a room with my christian friends. All of this went well, I went to there meetings, eating times, and there activities for the evening followed by another meeting. The one thing that just held me back from being happy was an over concerned friend all he voiced was for me to pay attention. Day 2 same thing only this time something unanticipated happened. A quarrel with two of my friends over the stupidest events. Events in which I should and could have ignored but I didn't. So the weekend was ruined for me. A destruction of the enlightened path that would never regain its glory.
Sure I had a "second at bat" with it but instead of facing an average pitcher with a 4.32 ERA I was facing an ace with a 2.55 (sorry I like to use baseball analogies). The path was narrower, fragile, volatile one false move and it dissipates for a long time may never be paved again. Disagreement again ensued which led to the cancellation of me finding go a second time.
Now its like I find myself in a continual string of bad luck. I feel isolated more than ever disconnecting from many people in my area. The options are horrendous hangout with people who drink everyday or get drunk every week for what? Hangout with people who may insult me just to get there kicks in? Hangout with a paranoid person who thinks everyone in the world is talking crap about him? I think not. What I need to find are those same christian friends that I made first contact with up in college. I feel this is not the place to do it in though. Change of scenery for me may make a difference.

It is a very bad feeling when your out of college and you want to go back
or, when you feel like you got the wrong degree
or, when your career goals when you chose your degree arent the same as they are now.
People call me crazy stupid, arrogant, or even insane when I say this- Screw Financials, why be in a work environment when you feel people don't like you, you don't like them, they don't appreciate you nor respect you.
So the path of destruction goes... yes I realize you have to eat dirt but if you feel the dirt is too undesirable you should quit before you say or do something stupid or your stressed out.

I can't help but to wonder if this whole scenario would have played out the same way with I had taken the Holy Path to Enlightenment.


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