The Friendship Revolver 3: Supervisors Are Not Your Friends and Beware The Workers (ShortBlog)

So just a word of advice to everyone:

Corporations Are Not People
Corporations Are Not Your Friend
*Oh And this goes the same for alot of private companies to include ones that have contracts for the government.
Management Are People
Management Is Not Your Friend
Supervisors Are People
Supervisors Are Not Your Friend
Do Not Trust Management. Do Not Trust Supervisors.
*Very rarely do you find supervisors or management that will cover you they will report everything you do wrong and if they don't like you they will find every excuse to can you!!!!

Now the Proletariat or Workers
Workers Are People
Workers *CAN* Be your friend
Workers *CAN* cover for you
Workers will cross you
Word of advice, choose your friends carefully.... choose who you trust carefully or you will get canned.

1.  Do not get close with your supervisors and don't get to comfortable at least on your probationary period. Reason being is that you get too comfortable, too confident, and you have a false sense of security (as in you will think that the supervisor will cover for you). NOTE: If you are ever in a position where you feel their is a disconnect with your manager who has the final say whether to keep you or not. I suggest you either talk with the manager and see whats going on or go to your HR personnel. If you go when its already too late it will sting. (Like finding out how they felt about you....)
2. Watch what you say and watch how you act toward supervisor it will help you tremendously! Remember the word "Perception" its important to office politics. Basically watch your back trust no one.
3. Don't situate yourself with a 3-2 ratio (1 manager, 2 supervisors, 2 associates). In other words keep looking till you find something opposite. The best places I've worked at were places that had far less supervisors.
4. TBA


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