Disadvantages Of A Union

Just because I'm Pro Union doesn't mean that I am going to present my issue only in a positive light. I don't want to be that guy from college who presents an issue stating all positives and leaving out the negatives. Then getting reamed for not putting negatives in there and looking like a fool.

So here are some bad points of the union......

1. Union Stewards mean everything. You have to have a good union steward for your local union shop to be effective. They can't be corrupted to abide by management in anyway and they have to fight for your rights stated in the CBA and other policies. In some cases you have to play politics and be on there good side for them to represent you properly.

2. Unions are businesses like companies. Some people can't accept this thus people stay away from unions for this reason.

3.  Union Dues. no one likes to pay extra for something they may not need

4. Ineffective Unions- Unions which do nothing for you only act as agents to "please" the workers.

5. In some cases unions drop wages. This actually could be a good thing if your looking for good benefits as a part or full timer, union shop workplaces are the best place for you. However, if your looking for strictly wage it may not be a good option for you.

6. Union can complicate processes. One example is pick a shift where employees can sign up for shifts and the senior associates get first dibs.

7. Job security may be at risk with a unionized company. Layoffs or cuts can happen more frequently.

8. Open door policy is clogged.

9. More bureaucracy to deal with.

10. In some cases unionized companies look at seniority over performance.


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