Corporations and Sports Entertainment In It For Profit Not For Black Lives Matter

 First, off if you read what BLM is about you'd be supporting communism and socialism, read what they believe in.

Second, I don't like what's going on with the shootings and deaths that have happened and I think the police should be accountable for what they do.

Third, these companies, corporations, sports teams, sports players, celebrities have an agenda... That is profiteering on social injustice and making it a new trend. The sad thing is some of these sports players and celebrities are actually buying into the bullshit and actually think they're making a difference when in reality they are aiding the next new money boom.

Corporations including Sports Teams do not live in a cave, they look at current events and trends. The "Black Lives Matters" protests boomed and received a lot of traction. Plus the culture has changed in the last 20 years especially recently. 

Shows you use to be able to air 10-15 years ago is no longer socially acceptable. Shucks, if you were to launch a show like "All in the Family" they'd crucify you even though that show was created to show how dumb racism is, how all races could get along, learn from each other & were also similar in a way. I mean goodness sake someone could say "Sanford and Sons" is racist because it could be showing that all African Americans could run was a salvage business and the way Red Foxx's character treated the Hispanic neighbor was racist or how Rallo is portrayed as a stereotypical African American (heard all of this and more).

So corporations what do they do? They adjust to the new trend which is social justice. Now you say well excuse me why didn't they jump on the social justice bandwagon when the 1% movement was going on? The number one reason... it wasn't big enough, movement died off and was also a small segment of the population. The movement never gained traction and the corporations would never support it.

Corporations have the power to brand and can jump on a cause and profiteer on it. They can build a base that they have never attained through aggressive marketing campaigns by supporting the BLM movement. These companies can gain celebrities to promote there product that they wouldn't otherwise be able to get. And finally they can re-brand and make more money by converting into a social justice brand. Its easy everything is on a silver platter for them to market the movement. 

Just look at Facebook, in the past they didn't ban any comment it was a free forum and now they're starting to ban people for the most minor infractions some of those comments 5 to 10 years ago would've been considered jokes. The cost for Facebook to implement the moderators and the keyword searches for hate or bully speech was a splash in the bucket. People abuse the crap out of it but that's a topic for another discussion

Sports teams are taking a big risk by supporting "Black Lives Matter". Answer to that is.... not really... Look at the support the movement has.

African Americans, Hispanics, Whites, Rich people, poor people, Elites, corporations, celebrities and the list goes on.

When it comes to sports, most of us think like barbarians and follow our sports teams even if we disagree or it messes with what we fundamentally believe in, because we gotta get our fix of entertainment and Major League Sports understands that. Fans come back to watch sports after player strikes which impact the season we watch. We as a society are to lazy to find alternatives to amuse ourselves, support alternative leagues or find a different form of entertainment, we just choose not to lift our cheeto covered fingers.

By the way I do want to add, boycotting games or cancelling a season is a drop in the bucket for the leagues and for the sports teams. In fact, if all leagues had decided to restart next year and cancel this year because of COVID19 (which is what they should of done) not one franchise would be in dire straits to where they would fold every team would be fine, and if there was a team in that situation the league would step in (think back to the Montreal Expos situation)

But explain why a sports team would not be genuine in this social justice movement and prove that this is profit driven? 

As an organization all I would care about is the bottom line if I thought backing a movement would do me good I'd do it, that's the mentality these organizations have, they don't exist out of the kindness of human nature. If they were we would be getting free food, tickets, shirts etc every time we'd see our favorite team. This is not to say that people in the organization are all for profit there are many within these organizations that genuinely care.

Lets take Major League Baseball what would they gain from "Black Lives Matter"? 

F-A-N-S, increased attendance, diverse demographic of baseball fans and players/coaches/etc., To have situations where a talented athlete of ethnic origin chooses between baseball or football, and opting for baseball. The benefits for baseball is huge.

Corporations, Sports teams any person whose a profiteer is just a false prophet. They are taking advantage of a situation and people don't seem to realize that for whatever reason.


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