My Thoughts On Security and The Position They Need

 This is my opinion take it with a grain of salt this may not be feasible considering this person would have to be objective as possible and be a perceived asshole.

Now I fully believe in quality assurance and internal review. I believe there should be an SOP and the departments should be accountable for audits of everything to inventory to budgets to cash handling. Many companies have a controller or a third party/in house auditor. They should still have this system in place but with an addition: A security officer dedicated to cash audits, quality assurance, SOP and inventory management. 

Internal Review/Security Officer-Department Security

The purpose of this position: Is to ready an establishment for an audit at anytime and place also to prevent management from tampering any discrepancies the in house/3rd party auditor does not find in there limited time. The most important focus to make sure the business establishment follows company polices, procedures, methods etc. to keep up with the brand or service. The Internal Review Officer shall NOT be a supervisor or have any supervisory powers with the exception of having audit powers only in a scheduled audit determined by the Security Director and Internal Review Officer with optional input from a member of other Executive Management.

Titles of the proposed position: Quality Assurance Security Officer, Internal Review Officer, Quality Control Officer, Internal Review Assistant/Security Officer

Reports to: Security Director (optional a position is created Internal Review Chief/Manager who reports to the Security Director only when an audit has been completed, since the Internal Review Chief/Manager has supervisory duties he does not have to report everything to the Security Director also budget allowing another Security Officer detailed to any Internal Review Functions and is referred to as an Internal Review Assistant)

Ideal set up: Internal Review Chief (reports to the Security Director), Internal Review Officer (part of the Security Department), Internal Review Assistant (assigned to a trusted Security Officer)

Department: Security

Direct Reports: With the approval of the Security Director any Security Officer from the Security Department. Usage shall be 1 day, Notification will be given to chosen Security Officer, Chosen Security Officer will not be assigned a post until beginning of shift and will be briefed by the Security Director. Main usage of the assigned Security Officer will be inventory management and counting cash as well as any other minimal tasks tills all other duties will fall on the Internal Review Officer. Security Officer assigned will not be told the purpose or reason why.

(optional a position is created Internal Review Chief/Manager who reports to the Security Director only when an audit has been completed, since the Internal Review Chief/Manager has supervisory duties he does not have to report everything to the Security Director also budget allowing another Security Officer detailed to any Internal Review Functions and is referred to as an Internal Review Assistant)

Shift hours: The shift will be conducting audits at non-business hours with no notification given. Audits can be done during business hours (rapid fire audit). When the audit is complete a report will be sent out to leadership with the Security Directors approval (Internal Review Officer with reasonable cause or in good conscious can send the report without Security Directors approval, a review report is to be written and sent to the executive leadership as to why this was done, Internal Review Officer will not get discipline as this is an action of good faith)

Non-audit hours will consist of Security Officer duties. The Internal Review Officer will act in good faith in the position to not arouse any suspicion that he or she is auditing. The Internal Review Officer shall record a journal detailing everything he or she feels does not go with policies and procedures and submit that report to the Security Director for review.

Method of Execution: Internal Review Officer and Security Director shall keep all audits conducted on non-business hours. Rapid Fire Audits will be conducted during business hours with probable cause and Security Director approval. Rapid Fire Audits are conducted with the following premise: Department Manager suspicion, Security Department suspicion, Internal Review Officer suspicion, Executive Management Suspicion, Security Director Suspicion. Time table set for a non business hours audit is 8, rapid fire audit shall be 4 hours.

Job Duties:

Maintain professionalism and keeping arms length of all departments including the home department

Observe and Reporting any discrepancies that may occur in the department

Conducting any audit in an objective manner, keeping each audit confidential and not spreading information to non-parties

Studying each discrepancies with scrutiny (for example: reorders of Sky Vodka have increased to 4 cases instead of 2 as an average per two weeks, is there a new bartender, is there a clumsy server, or is someone pouring for themselves or for there buddies)

Any manager or employee responsible for shrink shall be discipline but will also have the opportunity to correct their actions and redeem themselves

Inventory checks and counts, cash counts, till counts, safe counts, SOP reviews, policies and procedure reviews.

Internal Review Officer shall have the authority to issue a till cash audit without Security Directors approval as well as random minimal inventory count audits

Uniform: Internal Review Officer will wear the Security Officer uniform unless directed by the Security Director to do differently. 

Any audit that is being conducted during business hours will be conducted on the spot. Notification will be stated to the department manager, employees shall not be informed of the audit.

Any corrective behavior for the first offense shall be conducted by the department management with IRC or Internal Review Audit recommendations. Any reoccurring offenses shall be reviewed by the IRC or Security Director corrective procedures shall be instituted to department. If the offense is severe, Security Director will step in to determine the correct course of action

Note: Security Department is not impervious to audits. If the IRC (if existing), the IRO, or IRA (if existing) suspect any tangible or suspicious activity in the Security Department. The Security Department shall be investigated by the IRC, IRO, IRA and a separate business within the organization or a 3rd party. IRC, IRO, IRA is protected from retaliation, at the time of investigation the department will be split to prevent retaliation or will be inserted into a non related department

Most importantly the IRO's job is to protect the business from any type of trouble. The IRO with proper training can over look minor infractions and give breaks (with exceptions). If the manager, employee or department is cooperative, the IRO has the authority to give back in good conscious. IRO has the authority to set deadlines for corrective action as well with input from the IRC or Security Officer. Any perception of a cover up, resistance or resentment will be interpreted as an act of war, IRO, IRC, IRA, Security Department and Security Director will thoroughly investigation the situation at hand in this instance.

Any request to observe an employee on the job from any department will be taken up by the IRO and IRA (if applicable). IRO will comendere the office, Security Officer will go to designated area to complete assigned duties if IRA is present. If IRA is present, IRA will patrol, observe and report department in question. IRA will act as if nothing is happening and begin a benign conversation.


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