The Ideal World: In My Point of View

So my ideal world is an impossible world, it is a world that cannot exist because the embedded society we have to where we need some kind or order, government or power to control us. Hell if there were no governments there would be anarchy and chaos. But, I always have hope for humankind, I won't give up on thinking that this society will change and finally realize the world can be different with more freedom. 

The first thing that would have to go would be religion, lets face it people's religious views can create conflict and even war. We have seen it in the past, according to wikipedia when the European Christians  were trying to restore control the Holy Land one of many reasons for the Crusades. Now I am not going into detail of the Crusades and the other causes that they were fighting for because its not what this article is about, if you would like more info of the crusades heres a link from wikipedia Wiki-Crusades. Besides wars on behalf of a religion, religions can play a role in controlling people as well. Take the Salem Witch Trials for instance some of them were just practicing other religions and they were burned for it, some were un-liked and burned etc. The point is, the fact that some of these so called witches were burned for believing in something or not believing in something is a form of control. People found ways to hide there different beliefs and led double lives or conformed to the ways of  what the community believed. If thats not a good example take the Spanish Inquisition I'm going to quote wikipedia in this case because I think they say it best, "The Inquisition worked in large part to ensure the orthodoxy of recent converts, especially those Jews, Muslims and others coerced on pain of death to adopt the Christian religion." In the wrong hands, people can misuse religion and use it as a control mechanism. It can still be a source of control even if the person is willing and does believe in it. To my knowledge, Christians try hard not to sin some of the sins are not eating to much, no or little thoughts about lust, greed, get rich quick, I mean even pride? Other things that I've heard is Christians not dating non Christians, its not a rule but its more of advice that Christians take. Not getting drunk, not having sex until you are married, some of the many things that I've heard. Plus if Christian do not except jesus as savior and do not follow try to follow what God has set out they go to a place called Hell, sounds like God is a person I would not want to meet. And Sounds like little freedom to me. I imagine if religion didn't exist how many wars wouldnt have even happend? But there is no proof there would be less wars if there was no religion no proof at all. So I am left to wonder.

People are so caught up of the past and future no wonder they look so stressed. They just need to relax and take it a day at a time. Not saying I'm one of those people who look at the past and future because I do, and I try to slow down and say, "I'm going to look at now the present", and quite honestly it doesnt work, I keep thinking about what I will become. I'm guessing this is something of a human nature, I see this feature in everyone, Not one person that I have met has ever said I am just gonna take easy day by day, alot of people have a calendar they plan stuff. Well I have come to the conclusion that plans never work out and plans are less fun than outright surprises, like a friend coming up to you and saying "Lets go to Vegas" with no plan in mind, now thats fun. However, it isn't fun when you plan something and your friends tells you no can't do it. Now your wondering why the hell did that get scheduled at that day. Saying this was suppose to happen. I say no plan, just call up and surprise those are the days that you have the most fun and the less stressed. It would be awesome if people didnt have agendas if there was no timeline just living day by day, you would see more happy people, and less aggravated people, unfortunately it doesnt work that way. Plans might be good for a business or a government definitely but in a persons life it probably will make you prosper, but, not necessarily happy....

Wow if there were no countries that would be great, a world that has no feuding governments nothing that will hold shackles to people. But, question would be would there be chaos and anarchy unfortunately yes there would because of our way of thinking. But step back for a minute, what if there was something, someone, or some person that could change the world to where the need for government would not be needed, where people helped one another, with no form of currency or taxes or etc. The only responsibility would be to take care of ourselves and live our lives not worrying about anything else. This would just not work, our technology and intelligence would probably decrease if this scenario took place, So the question is how would this work? The only answer and solution would be some kind of government unfortunately, its goal could be what the tv show series Star Trek's form of government was, "The United Federation of Planets" if you've seen Star Trek you know what I'm talking about if you havent heres something from wikipedia, Star Trek now you will laugh at me taking something out of a tv show isn't even realistic, and is impossible well if our society is ever going to grow, which it is not right now, then this ideally would be the best scenario its also described as Utopian socialism. Society would have to drastically change its views for this type of government to work otherwise it will never work. Personally Id rather be in the Utopian socialism society than Gods kingdom, a monarchy. I would not have to bow down to a God.

This is my view of an ideal world hope you enjoy!!!


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