The Media and The Political, Politically and Politic Crappers

I'm made an attempt to make this short as possible hope you enjoy whoever reads this!
Socialism the Bad Guys (The Outsiders)
So I decided what the hay I'll delv a little into politics not so far though, since I hate the subject, and nothing good comes out of it except arguments. So ever sit one day bored as heck and just flipping through the channel till you find something interesting? Interesting on a news channel oddly enough, someone ranting about how the country is going wrong and its on the decline and heading towards socialism, how the country is unraveling itself as a republic, and you think to yourself "What the heck is this guy talking about?" AND "Is this guy a luny?" Well that happened to me watching the Glenn Beck Show on Fox News, yes I was intrigued watched his show more often, he has great charisma and makes news exciting to watch. Unfortunately I don't agree with him at all and quite frankly he talks about the same old thing every show, it always comes up, "Stand up America, America is turning socialism, and always bringing up his socialist conspiracies. Honestly this guy would do great if he was on a show called Socialist Conspiracies. Don't get me wrong I don't criticize him for his beliefs everyone has there beliefs, I've got religious friends they've got beliefs and I respect that. But, Glenn Beck seems like he is to me, fear mongering and trying to push or manipulate people into joining his little movements he has done like, the 912 project.  912 project website. Glenn Beck even has his own university wow who would've guessed, he's written books of course, etc. The point is this guy at the end of the day when its all said and done. What does that mean I have no idea question is would he be still doing this if he didn't have celeb status (kinda) and in a different occupation well I don't know that answer either but, it makes you think. Now why hammer Glenn Beck there are so many people that can be criticized well, one reason is that as I pointed out earlier he'd be good for a show called Socialist Conspiracies, so he connects all these people to Obama who were socialists and he attacks other people for having socialist backgrounds at the end of the day who cares honestly? I mean who cares about my blogs and what I write but, to play the connect the dot and you have yourself a socialist is meaningless. I would've love to seen a broadcaster like Beck when Kennedy or Carter was president, would he do the same thing Glenn Beck is doing. Glenn Beck cited propaganda by other people on his show a couple of times, but, I'm sure he realizes he's broadcasting propaganda himself. In my opinion he is Beck is targeting socialists and blaming them for how the country is supposedly going down. Well just bare mind FDR, Kennedy, heck even Jimmy Carter they were all democrats and liberals in fact you could argue FDR was a socialist. When those presidents were in office did the country falter?  Did the Country get weaker? Is Democracy still in existence?
So big bad socialism!

Political Relm' My Views on Crap

So alot has happened with the Bailouts, the healthcare bill, the immigration bill. One thing is for certain there has been no change since Obama has come into office. Obama has acted the same as his predecessors, he's put in people who he favors, kept the status quo. same corruption in Washington. Gitmo is still open, and Unemployment is still high. So as far as the bailouts go, the slogan, " To big to fail" is not true for me, no obviously these banks should've went under. Why gives these banks a second chance? They have obviously failed by creating the sub-prime mortgage crisis among other things. So the Fed's bail them out and what do ya know, some get bought by bigger banks and then those bigger banks become bigger. Well, why not let them fail, you'd be in a longer recession yes, but you wouldn't be sacrificing the next generations future, because they will have to pay the debt now. Obama to fix this just signs the Financial Regulation Bill I havent read this bill nor do I know whats in it, but according to the Wall Street Journal it will have, "
"The wide-ranging law will touch every corner of the financial universe, curtailing certain risky activities of the nation's largest financial firms, affecting how average Americans obtain credit cards and mortgages, and transforming the way regulators work to assess and respond to potential flash points in the economy."

If this is true this might be good in that these financial firms will not make risky activities which lead to the financial crises in the first place like sub prime mortgages, however, this will mean big brother will be watching and regulating the financial market, which could be a bad thing and this is another attempt, to not let a big firm go down the drain "To Big To Fail". By the way I failed to mention the auto bailout, that was shouldn't have happened either, I believe it was an attempt to keep some kind of production in the US and the work by the auto companies lobbies were the real heros in obtaining that bailout.

So the healthcare bill. I have no problem I like it actually what they are planning to do sounds great. Question is will it work, and will they modify it, and did I miss anything that is a negative, besides more taxes. Here's the wikipedia on it, it shows provisions,
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act
Now Immigration everyone's favorite topics, Now the new immigration bill in Arizona in my opinion is going to create profiling no doubt about it, its wrong. But, why are people so upset about it there is already racial profiling, a cop is more likely to pull you over if you have a speedy car, etc. So there is already profiling that goes around in law enforcement not to say its right but, its not like its uncommon. I mean here's profiling here, "I'm not going to hire someone because they look like they might be lazy and play basketball all the time" and guess what you can't prove someone didn't get hired because of that, the employer is just going to say hey, someone was more qualified at the position. And jailing them is going to do no good honestly. But, Arizona is a state, and there are state rights, they have every right to pass this law without the federal government butting in. So what would my solution be to the border well simple, either
1. Grant Amnesty let everyone in.
2. Go back to old ways of controlling the border 1800's style or how the DMZ line is that divides North from South Korea.
3. Let Immigrants in and work there way to citizenship. without any green card crap or immigration test, just let them in, give them a 5 years or so where they can earn citizenship by merit or something. Or if they want to work in the US to earn some money back home, ease the difficulty of getting a green card.

Its as simple as that. There method right now of putting a gate between US and Mexico is stupid, if your going to guard the border, you do it you go back to the aggressive 1800's style.

Thats enough for politics. Lets go on.

The Media
Now to turn my attention toward the media as a whole, personally I'm sick of all the bias in the media. Fox News bias is conservative, make no mistake about it they are not "Fair and Balanced" like they proclaim. Not when they run conservative shows such as Hannity, O'Rielly Factor (This guy likes to piss people off), and The Glenn Beck Show. In addition Fox News cries that there being attacked by other news networks, when they are attacking back by making snide remarks about the news networks. Hey, I say if a news network attacks you shame on them, you dont have to play at there level and thats exactly what there doing. All conservative hosts, with no taste of liberalism in there programs. (Missed Hannity and Combs) CNN everytime I watch that show they mostly point toward the liberal side with there segments, esp. elections and Obama. MSNBC another liberal news network, that has an annoying show with an annoying host if I could only think of the name oh yes,  Rachel Maddow the hardcore liberal saw a segment with her and I believe one of the Tea Party supporters, its been a long time, but she just attacked the guy like a wild beast in my opinion. Just a short synopses on what my opinions are to these networks, the only network that even comes close to being fair and balanced for me, is Democracy Now and Al Jazeera. Honestly can there be a network that is truly far and balanced in the US, seems like all these news networks are just trying to gain political power, trying to influence conservative viewers and draw ratings. For instance, FoxNews was at one time, the only new network who was extensively covering the Tea Party Movement ? Well hmm, conservative, a plus, influence plus. Well guess what the liberal news broadcasters did, they shut the door on the Tea Party didn't really think they were big and there not liberal. Look at presidential candidates for ALL US news networks, they extensively covered republican and democrat, and Fox News covered Ron Paul as well (Independent). What about the other parties? The other candidates? Ralph Nader anyone? Well there was but small coverage with Ralph Nader. These news networks are influenced highly on politics and money you cant go wrong there. The mainstream media will always go to the left or right, and do whats best for them. One thing is certain about the regular current events, whatever news channel you follow or keep up with via website, they will most often be accurate, past events have haunted some news networks.


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