TNA Wrestling Turning into TNB Wrestling: EV 2.0 Are You Kidding

Abbreviations (Links are to wikipedia pages)

TNA- Total Nonstop Action Wrestling
WCW- World Championship Wrestling
 WWE- World Wrestling Entertainment formally the World Wrestling Federation
  ECW-Extreme Championship Wrestling

Ive been a fan of professional wrestling since the days of old WCW and ECW and was even a fan of WWE at the point where they were in the Attitude Era and when WWE bought WCW and ECW the followed a well put together invasion storyline. Understanding that wrestling is fake, id rather see more wrestling than entertainment thats why over the years I've veered away from watching WWE because there were too many segments, to much show and not enough good ole fake wrestling.  Fake wrestling is basically fake fighting they make it look as if its real.

This was one of the reasons I became a TNA(Total Nonstop Action) fan because they use to put on wrestling shows that had more wrestling, and better wrestling. Watching TNA I didnt have to worry about bad or stupid storylines, they've always made sense until recently, they always caught that element of surprise. Another reason was for there different brand of wrestling- X division, its basically a cruiser weight title but can be used for anything such as hardcore, and anyone can win it there's no restrictions. The distinction for the X division is that it mostly contained smaller wrestlers who were quick and high flying. Before TNA there was NWA-TNA basically the same company but with an affiliation with the National Wrestling Alliance. In those days there was less storyline's and more action and many of those matches were good. They carried the company in that kind of format until about 2005 or 2006 the years when you started to see more storylines which wasn't bad because most if not all the storylines made sense and were good storylines.
TNA implemented a knockouts division(Women's) in 2007 with many good women's wrestlers who actually wrestle and aren't on because of there looks and show-(WWE Divas).

So everything was going good for TNA and the TNA X division plus the good storylines is what attracted me to watch TNA, as well as more wrestling and better wrestling. However, it changed in 2009 and 2010ish. TNA decided to implement a storyline of the former(WWE, WCW stars)Main Event Mafia vs. TNA originals(Wrestlers who became superstars in TNA first) Well the storyline was meant to put the TNA originals over as the main wrestlers in TNA. The storyline went with MEM winning all the titles with the exception of the TNA Knockouts title which made sense. The originals would then win them back and MEM would be dismantled maybe it was a storyline to me was suppose to last longer than it did. But then they replaced the leader of MEM, then they kicked him out and replaced him the original leader. The wrestler didn't fit with the group but that didn't make sense to me because why would you put the original leader back in he wasn't even a good leader. Then TNA loses two members of the MEM to expired contracts hence, the storyline dies way sooner than expected. If you want more information on this here's the wiki, the purpose of this was just to point out the flaws that TNA has made and make it as brief as possible: Wiki- MEM.

Oh must I forget- a wrestler who is not known for high flying and being that quick is the X division Champion. Thats another thing X division has been going down hill since 08 now its just a midcareder's belt nothing special anymore.

Then in 2010 it happened Hulk Hogan finally the (Immortal... one of the legends of wrestling) comes to TNA along with Eric Bischoff (Noted WCW president who managed WCW in its hayday). Hogan says there is going to be change in TNA. So what do they do first, they try to compete with WWE on Monday Nights and they get slammed there excuse of moving to Monday night is that historically that when most of the wrestling fans watch or like to watch wrestling (They moved back to Thursday Nights). They went from a six sided ring which was one of there main features that was different to the 4 sided ring. And there the regime who decided to give Rob Van Dam the championship, bring back wolfpac for hall and nash to win another title then bring in orlando jordan who is at best an average wrestler.Very bad storylines one for example included 4 contestants women's wreslters and they were involved in some type of lottery, well one got her prized possession back, one actually won the knockouts title without a contestant and one got to do a strip tease. For those who know about wrestling thats WCW all over again. Bad storylines with good wrestlers.Whose to Blame? well Creative Team consists of Hogan Bischoff and good ole Vince Russo (The guy who is blamed for taking down WCW) Some might blame Vince Russo however, he's been with the company since 2006 as being part of the creative team. Even thought these storylines smell of Russo there gotta be another element well, in the time frame between 2008-2010 Jeff Jarrett the company's founder either handed over the power or lost power. Dixie Carter the TNA President is getting more involved now very different from the past where she took a hands off approach. Well blame it on whoever you like I'm not going to judge yet since its way to premature to do that, TNA wrestling Thursday Nights are still getting 1.0-1.1 ratings there not dipping maybe if they went from a 1.0 to a .5 then Id have a few words. Theres no doubt that TNA's storylines have gone down though,whether that maybe Hogan or Russo or whoever. But, on with Dixie and EV 2.0

EV 2.0 is the old ECW wrestlers, ECW folded in 2001, they were part of the WWE invasion storyline and lost. Some ECW stars even got to win the prestigious Hardcore belt of WWE....(sarcasm) and then ECW one night stand came and then the ECW standalone show came which turned into a bust making it into a second rate show with little to no hardcore action. Now Dixie Carter or whoever it may be brings in the old ECW stars in TNA saying they get a ppv, well must frustrate the TNA wrestlers, well they go on renaming Hard Justice for this year to be hardcore justice. They went on with there ECW ppv, and all I can say is it was just a reunion that shouldnt have been a ppv, maybe its own special show but not a ppv, there were too many documentary segments and too many hugs  and what not and the ppv ended about 20 mins earlier than it should have. This might have been because they didnt have enough wrestlers to wrestle I just dont have a clue why it ended early. There wasn't as much hardcore as there shouldve been for the show either in my opinion. There were 2 good matches out of that whole ppv which was good.

Finally PPV is over, you tune into the Thursday show and what do you see EV 2.0 again on what was to be their last curtain call, then they get attacked by Fortune a four person stable that encompasses TNA originals and they attack EV 2.0 so now it seems to me that they are going with another ECW storyline, how many ECW storyline are you going to have? Why does TNA keep incorporating old wrestlers into there company, they need to push there TNA original wreslters people who have become stars first in TNA people who are just starting out in TNA. Why not have a WCW storyline that hasn't been overdone. This might turn out to be a good storyline if its going to put fortune over but we will have to wait and see. So far the TNA Impact shows I've seen for the past 3 or so weeks have been getting better, I just hope that they put a nail in the coffin with EV 2.0. I smell it to be another bust.


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