Beautiful Places I've Been To

So I thought I'd Share Some Places I've been too that I love unfortunately I don't have Philly on here didn't have a camera phone at the time I went to Philly. However I do have pictures from Vegas, Hoover Dam, Sedona, and The Grand Canyon in Arizona that I took. All were from a vacation I took about 3 or 4 years ago.

I'll start with the Grand Canyon. Its beautiful and tremendous. However, touring was a pain lot of people at the separate sites a lot of shops trying to milk money kinda threw out the harmony out of it. Still I loved my time up here.

Sedona is what you call a major tourist trap its a beautiful scenery when you drive through it. Then you get to the town. The prices are outrageous but I have to admit I love going to the fudge and jerky shop up there. Gotta admit if though outside of the town is Sedona valley where i went camping twice we had a huge forest party and it was awesome! It got so crazy that a bunch of us decided to climb a steep hill.

Hoover Dam: I thought the bridge was pretty cool and I thought it was nice architecture and great scenery.

Vegas: Now Vegas is my favorite spot definitely wouldn't want to live there but I'd love to visit there at least once a year. The atmosphere is great. There is a saying what happens in vegas stays in vegas but I haven't had anything significant happen to me there.
I was there three times first time was with a freshman friend who decided spur of the moment to go to Vegas when it was snowing heavily in both Flagstaff and Williams (path to vegas). We got there saw the Luxor, Mandalay Bay, Excalibur, and got to see UNLV and there student union. Second time was with my parents and family members got to see more casinos and was able to drink only had whiskey and coke, Stayed up till 4am and got a bottle of Malibu broken behind me by a drunk girl (luckily it didn't hit me). Third time not so fun one day in and out friend I was with hated it for some reason. I love Vegas sure its capitalism at its greatest but something about it just give it that allure about it. For some reason it gives the allure that one of your future visits will mark the best of your experience there but you could never talk about it.

Grand Canyon and ruins at the Grand Canyon.

Hoover Dam

 Viva Las Vegas


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