Work Makes Me Whole The Definition Of Me

Does this have anything to do with history?

Absolutely not, has nothing to do with history at all.

Well don't you hate work gosh complain about to your closest of pals?
Sure, but I'm no different than a sports fan complaining that his team should get rid of El Gordo Funmania cause he's hitting .089/ We're humans we complain.

So what in the world do you mean work makes you free?
What I mean is I'd rather be working than doing nothing. Producing something for some cause than doing absolutely nothing and being idle. Being lazy is not in my blood. By working I have a purpose to better myself and advance a cause.

What's the cause or purpose?
Well what does every company strive for? Money. How do they make money? Production.
My cause or purpose? To become the best I can be in my point of view (thats the most important). I can care less what other people think. As long as I'm happy with me thats all that matters.

Why aren't you staying in one place why do you hop from one job to another?
Most people are complacent or say, "well I'm going to try and develop a career no matter how much I hate the job". For me its simple I want to find a job and company that fits me and fits as close to my values and beliefs as possible. And a sense of belonging (this I have never experienced)

You seem like a troublemaker?
True, there are times where I don't think before I act but that's what makes us human we're not vulcans here. Often times I find myself an outsider whether its an act of the environment or its my fault. I believe the business world should be more democratic (its mainly a dictatorship) and I believe in employee rights (not the so called employee rights which treats every worker as if they were a child)

So your telling me you'd pass off a part or vacation to go to work?
Absolutely I love being active and I love working

Are you telling me you'd work overtime?
Yes without hesitation.

How unemployment?
I take it day by day but I hate it.

Would you take any ole job?
No I have my limits there are certain jobs I would never take. Not going to name them don't need to. Everyone has there limit.

Whats your favorite job so far?
Warehouse work however, I eventually want to go into manufacturing work.

to be continued......


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