Unions and Supervisors/Foremans A Pet To Management

Yes I could have used another word instead of pet for more of a bang but I'd rather be more PG in my writings.
 Thought I'd keep it simple and do a list to gather my thoughts in a more efficient manner and where people can follow it.

Lets start off with Unions
Back when they had sit down strikes, fought, and went to jail for there cause is when they were most effective. They were literally the Blue Collar backbone in those days sticking up for the little man. As Unions got bigger they started to be more like a corporation. Union leaders became white collar and were more interested in how many people they had. They also bowed up and gave into management demands. Union Stewards who once were leaders and stuck up for the blue collars became themselves white collar fat cats, taking back room deals from management, playing favorites, and throwing good workers out because they "complained or were too much of a non-comformist".

1. Every CBA formed with the exception of major league sports have decreased
2. Fat cats in the union are about the money they rake in from the membership dues
3. Union Stewards (many of them) are ineffective because they don't work in the industry to know what an everyday worker goes through
4. Union Stewards are mainly weak and give in too much to management and the company. They are afraid to lose there jobs.
5. Many times you will see both the union and the company agreeing to end someones employment(or antagonize the worker to do something that gets them fired) on an issue that is mainly hearsay.
6. Having a union might be better than having Human Resources but there isn't really a clear difference.
7. Job Security is just as chaotic in a union shop as it is in a non union shop

these people are suppose to support the employees high morale high production however, many of them are weak they will throw you under the bus but why?

1. They are afraid of there jobs
2. They did a favor for upper management and they have to obey or be blackmailed
3. They were promoted because of high quota
4. They were the managers little pet as a worker
5. They are favorites
6. They follow the status quo and are afraid to drift from it even if there right
7. 0% backbone


1. Are administrators not leaders
2. Are old and stale (not literally) they have been there too long and need a new gig.
3. Instead of being the servant of the company they are the asset to the company
4. Have a "you work for me and not the company attitude"
5. Detests new ideas
6. Values Friends and conformity than hard workers and diversity
7. Takes an arm leg and a foot to fire them


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