First, off if you read what BLM is about you'd be supporting communism and socialism, read what they believe in. Second, I don't like what's going on with the shootings and deaths that have happened and I think the police should be accountable for what they do. Third, these companies, corporations, sports teams, sports players, celebrities have an agenda... That is profiteering on social injustice and making it a new trend. The sad thing is some of these sports players and celebrities are actually buying into the bullshit and actually think they're making a difference when in reality they are aiding the next new money boom. Corporations including Sports Teams do not live in a cave, they look at current events and trends. The "Black Lives Matters" protests boomed and received a lot of traction. Plus the culture has changed in the last 20 years especially recently. Shows you use to be able to air 10-15 years ago is no longer socially acceptable. Shucks, if you...