Revisiting The Religion Series Blogs

 Dedicated to all my Christian Friends.

So I opened this blog back in 2010 and the first two blogs I wrote about were religion. Now at the time I was writing these blogs I had just come out from a bad experience with religious people. There was a point in time where I was willing to follow the voice of god and bring him into my life. That all changed. Now why am bringing this back, well I think it is important to add on what I've written, if you have read most of my blogs you will find most are unfinished. That's because there thoughts I jot down so I don't forget. The biggest question is why am I not correcting my blogs for errors? Most will think my answer is just plain dumb. The answer is to preserve what I thought at first and to preserve the emotion in the blog. To me posting a blog is different from writing an article or story. In an article or story it has to be refined for people to understand what your talking about and to sell it. In a blog its different, its your opinion, your thought at the time, and your emotion which makes it unique. It's like diary of your life and if people reading your blog don't understand and care to ask: then you tell them what you meant in that blog. But, to modify, change, correct it is just not the way I want to write my blogs. Now if I writing a book or some publication it would be different. Emotions and personality are what makes a blog that's why I added my paper, and add another in the future (it will be a surprise one of my friends have read this paper before), added a quotes page, and added a forum. I like when people have diverse thoughts I'd like to hear them. Anyways  If you want to read more about my religion blogs the links are shown below. All I'll be doing in this blog post is reviewing and adding on to what I've already said in these blogs.

RELIGION: Missionary's Holy Journey of Propaganda?? 


Ok this not order because this is my second blog, but I feel I need to add on an important detail to this blog. Missionaries are not bad people they aren't all out to manipulate people. They believe in a cause that they think is just. Just like people who support Ron Paul or abolishing the Fed reserve think its a just cause to campaign for Ron Paul and to advertise or protest the end of the Fed reserve. These people are not on the fence and their not out to get any kinda political or power gain. So as whole the people who do missionary work do it because they feel their doing gods work and its the right thing to do. I mean some risk their lives. This is what I didn't make clear in this blog. Who I'm really criticizing is the organized religions who do forced missionary work to be in these sects. I'm also criticizing religions who do it for political gain or just to get more followers (and yes there religions out their that do this). I believe that all organized religions are corrupt one example of this is, "The Crusades" gods army fighting Muslims? Wonder if this is why some Athiests think religion is dangerous because of organized religion who seek control... in the past as well as the present?

RELIGION: Jesus Follower's in "Total Nonstop Pushing"?


Ah my first blog, kind of a trial and error type blog. I fashioned the title to a wrestling program that I watch on occasion. Basically its about religious people pushing there beliefs on non-religious people. Now, I've come to realize that not every religious person does this. One fair warning if you don't want to hear from a particular religion do not order there "free" bible. I've had Mormon's come to my house wanting to preach about their religion three years after I got their bible. So doing that is a big no no if you want to be left alone. I've also learned not to bring up anything that is remotely religious to any religious friends I've had, trust me its saved many headaches and many arguments. Do not engage in an argument with a religious person on if god is real or anything of that nature. They believe in it so much that you'll argue for 4 hours and at the end you both will have tension towards another even if the conversation or argument is respectful. Do not say anything like "jesus is a socialist" you get a series of bible quotations to counter that point LOL (a comical relief). And do not, do not quote from the bible even if you've read that verse or read the book (for instance the book of Paul). You will get one of two statements "you have not read the bible" or "you are misinterpreting the quote". Remember the bible is written like ole English but worse, people have many interpretations, thats why we have many religions and many arguments. And if you just want to get away from any kind of religion don't have christian friends or just talk about other subjects. This is important, do not act "holy" in front of your Christian friends. What I mean is don't act different (cater to their beliefs) because one its not you and two their not stupid they'll see right through it. And lastly you may say a stupid statement like "I want to believe in god" and there all over it, they'll push you, preach to you, etc. because they think that there doing you a favor. (had a friend that did this)


If you would like to know the most pivotal point of why I didn't accept Christ the best blog to read is:

 Holy Enlightened Path To Destruction


 Alright if you want know what strayed me from my path to being more christ like read this. In this blog I actually revisit that point and wonder what could have been if I had taken the road of christ. This is really the only positive blog on religion that I've ever made. And if probably one of the best blogs I have ever written. It captures, thought, emotion, attitude, etc. just an all around good read.


And another in this religion series that by all means I'm not proud of:

The Supreme Judgement ByThe Cover


Ok so last and the least LOL is this blog right here. I basically took a quote from one of my friends blog and made point that Christian prematurely judge. Or they judge just by looking at people whether their christian or not. I even made a comment that their brainwashed. So this applies everyone. Perception is everything. That being said. A person can be perceived as dangerous therefore no one will go near him. A person can be perceived as ugly or mean no one will go up to them and talk. Person A thinks Person B is ugly. Person B goes up to Person A and talks. Person A either will talk but will sound disinterested or Person A will just say "don't talk to me". At least with a christian person they will always talk to you if you want to talk to them. They don't care where you come from, what you do, or what your preach. Heck I bet the Christian people who talk to people the likes of Joseph Stalin. So even if they judge they are still good people and they are still a better friend (from personal experience-remember opinionated) than a non-christian. So this blog was probably one that I wish I had not written. However, it has been written, I have revisited it, and I've come to the conclusion that it is in our human nature to judge whether you are religious or not. As far as brainwashing is concerned, now that I look at it you could say the same thing about the American people. They perceive that their is a threat and there needs to be more security but are we really safer or is that just an illusion check out these links...

Technorati-Billions Spent, But Are We Any Safer

Flying in US 'no safer than it was before 9/11 terror attack': GOP Report


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