The Friendship Revolver

Friendship is when two people have a bonding that is they find common interest, hangout, have lunch etc. overtime these friendships either strengthen in union or weaken in division. In my experience it is hard to keep friends for too long and it hard to keep friends who you might always hangout with or even room with. Or your best friend from long ago moves to the place you live at and you two reunite again. So what's the best situation? Whats the best way to keep a friend a friend and not an enemy or a distant friend. Is friendship in it's purest form a revolving door just like employees at a retail store well lets review some scenarios. Some of what I and others have encountered.

The overbearing Friend
Scenario 1: First they both met each other at an establishment. They were acquaintances one would talk the other would listen. After knowing each other for a little bit they started to hangout. The few times they  would hangout (although it started out of boredem). Thus started a friendship. After awhile they started to hangout daily each day a new adventure. To make things interesting they started to hangout with other people and went on new adventures though it started to get old. These two were in separable they helped each other (not evenly but that's friendship it never tilts even), they went to the same university one here, And thats when things went haywire they started to bicker and fight. One got tired of the other for acting stupid and bothering him. Then it got to a boiling point and finally they were friends no longer.. A year went by, one friend apologized to the other friend however, it would never be the same (to elaborate- it was a friendship that was built in 2 to 3 years had many great hits it broke, it reformed it was never the same again never produced a hit) There was alot of distrust the second time around. The two friends were essentially using each other because they were bored. And again the same problem the same result the friendship went bankrupt and ceased to exist. Interests conflicted and personalities conflicted.

The similar to me friend
Scenario 2: A friendship thats very similar to scenario 1 however, it has a completely different ending. Sure there were more fights or breaking points this time however, there were "cool down" periods (where the friends didn't talk for awhile). It was a completely weird friendship though because every time these two became closer friends they always had breaking points. And each time the friendship decreased and became distant. Today they are still"friends" of some form although they speak once in a blue moon and have hungout once in over a year.

The I believe in God Friend
Scenario 3: Again similar to scenario 1 however, this is a unique friend it is the christian friend. At times one friend would drive the other nuts because of what his certain beliefs are. However, they settled there differences. This friend would never drink to excess, party or any other sinister deeds. Which was important because his christian friend would open him up to things that he can do besides just party and get drunk that are just as fun. The christian friend brought the sense of community to his door step something that was not artificial. One time Friend 1 wanted to know more about god and wanted to learn the christian friend helped him. The sense of helping came to him although it was sometimes overbearing it wasn't like his christian friend was making him kill brain cells by forcing him to chug a disgusting can of pabst blue ribbon beer.

The questioning logic friend.
Scenario 4: You a friend that just asks why you think this or that. And it can drive you nuts. Be careful and be prepared when you say something that can be questioned. Boiling points occur more often and more frequent. The good side of this friend is he's that understands what he is. He knows how to calm the situation down if its tense therefore, there are no cool downs and no breakdowns in friendships with this person. Although you might not talk to him for a few days when you do decide to talk to him he always answers back.

Best Friend from the 5th Grade
Problem with these friends is people change. And with change these friends can become distant quick and have boiling points more quickly. Sometimes the differences are so vast they become enemies.

Party Like a Rockstar Friend
Drinking buddy, party buddy which is good if you do this stuff. More like warm acquaintances.

Moocher Friend
Stated as is don't need to go any further. Toxic is what Iike to call it. User and not a give backer. Not a friend at all

Stab Your Backer Friend
Acts like your friend talks dirt behind your back. Again another Toxic

So my question is whats the best friend to have? All of em seriously all of them because they teach you a valuable skills and ways of handling things. You pick up some traits learn from unique individuals. You learn to be more open to certain personalities. Makes you see the diversity of other people. It also teaches you what people you don't want to be around and teaches you the first signs to look for to avoid them. (For instance, a friend that keeps asking you to drive them somewhere or starts to)

As you look at the scenarios or descriptions I can say I've had at least one of each. So calculating these so called friends I would have about 15-20 of them all together in a period of 5 years. Of those 15 I talk to only about 5 out of those 5 I only consider 3 friends and one who is a remotely close friend. So its a revolving door in those 5 years whether it was because of a boiling point, disinterest, or a friend moving away even. And sometimes you end friendships or even a beginning of a friendship (the revolver) because you find out they used you or backstabbed you or you just can't get along with them or they are not of interest so you just can em. It's weird how it works


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