The Ideal World: What the US and the World Needs to Do

I have watched GOP debates, watched documentaries, listened to talk show hosts like Alex Jones. And I've come up with ways in which the US can heal its wounds and abolish this debt. Really how the world can do this. Call it my ideal world 2.0 (I made a blog The Ideal World: In My Point of View) I feel I need to extend and elaborate on what an ideal world should and could be. I am highly influenced by Ron Paul and alternative news outlets because I feel that my ideas are similar to theirs. So I'll make a list. (Order is irrelevant I numbered them so it looks cleaner)

So just to let everyone know these aren't all my ideas. These are ideas that I've extracted or modified. So again these are not my original ideas.

These links were found on google news and you tube.
The most important action to do is to abolish the Federal Reserve.

 "I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. Already they have raised up a monied aristocracy that has set the government at defiance. The issuing power (of money) should be taken away from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs."
 -Thomas Jefferson Founding Father of the United States

"History records that the money changers have used every form of abuse, intrigue, deceit, and violent means possible to maintain their control over governments by controlling money and it's issuance."
James Madison- Founding Father of the United States 
The Fed Reserve acts like a monarchy this central bank controls the US not the president nor congress. They control our money whether to print more or not. The bankers and wall street act like the parliament of this monarchy. 2008 Financial Crisis banks who created their own problems were crying to the government to bail them out. This crisis brought the US down to its knees which it is still trying to recover from. Maybe these bankers or banker supports were fear mongering take a look at this clip Rep. Brad Sherman Martial Law 

One question I have is what would've happened if there was no bailout? Most say depression. Yes, would life be tougher yes. However, would the economy be healthier definitely, it would be better off in my opinion. You get rid of the bad banks you get rid of the failures. The bailouts saved the failures saved the crooks. If you had my take on it, I'd say get rid of the banking system completly 
1. Take all the troops out of the wars that we have (let the countries be give them freedom to do what they want)
2. Take all the American bases out of foreign countries and bring those troops home. We have no business being on their territory (defenders say we need strategic points, so there is a base in Germany why? The South Koreans have a strong military the US needs to be there why?)
3. On the border: Either open the border, make citizen ship easier to attain, or secure the border. My opinion they should let the Mexicans cross they are hard working and work in jobs that Americans are too lazy to do (picking vegetables on farms)
4. No Bailouts For no one. Why give corporations who failed another chance, why give those same bankers who brought us into a financial crisis more money? How about bailouts for the citizens? (that never happened). Too big to fail is not a fact its a myth.
5. Abolish the patriot act. As Ben Franklin said "
“Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both.”
“They who would give up an essential liberty for temporary security, deserve neither liberty or security”
Ben Franklin- American statesmen, scientist, philosopher inventor
Does it really make us safer or does is it just a tactic to control us?  And a tactic to scare people into believing they need more security. News reports such as these Freedom Watch- False Flag Terror NON-Events  and Prison Planet- Endless Fake Terror Alerts 
And from those GOP debates on national security... Do terrorist or extreme Muslims really want to kill us? And want to go all out in going to the US because we are the infidels because we're so innocent. Hello? No we're not, we have taken resources from the middle east and we have a presence in the middle east. It just sounds like these terrorists want us to get out of their land and mind our own business. Just like we would want any invading foreigner to get out of our country.
6. But out of other countries businesses. You know I hear Glenn Beck saying, "we need to standup for Israel" for what? Do we have a peace treaty with them? No. Do we owe them anything? No. It's fine if Israel is one of our allies but we don't have to protect them as a child or a 3rd world country?
7. Foreign Diplomacy. I believe that we need to open up relations with every country and to not be at war with them. However, we don't need to be in other countries affairs and starting wars in foreign lands.
Oh and stop the covert special forces and CIA operations in whatever country. And stop the embargo's and sanctions. Iran and N Korea probably think the US is comical when they impose sanctions. If a weaker country were to convict Bush of war crimes are we gonna comply make him face those charges?? No!  The Zimbabwe Guardian- Bush, Blair found guilty of war crimes  this was in Malaysia.
How would the US feel if China were to place an embargo and sanctions against us... Or if the middle east cut our oil supply? Would we want to go there and fight them or criticize them absolutely. NOTE: I do not support the N Korea or Iran government -Interesting fact- US supports cruel regimes that benefits the US interests.
8. Stop all aid to foreign countries we're in debt why should we be "giving" money we don't have away? (besides there are groups within the US that help out 3rd world countries)
9. Have an economic jubilee- Forgiveness of all debts every few years. Why are you going to ruin a persons life by committing that person to debt.
10. Healthcare is not a privilege its a right, have universal healthcare its what is best for humanity.
11. Abolish political parties and abolish campaign contributions just get rid of it. Have real candidates like Ron Paul run.
12. Stop with this "I'm eating my Cesar salad in New York and it comes from 1000 miles away..." How sustainable is this my old college professor said its not. We need a better system a more sustainable system. Take home gardens in Detroit for instance. VOA News- Urban Farming Grows in Detroit
13. Back the money up with silver and gold again. Or (this will never happen) go back to a bartering system. A system where you do a favor for someone they owe a favor back. Everyone has a trade and a skill.
14. I hear no one talk about this and I stand for this more than any of these points. DEMOCRATIZE the business sector. Almost all the businesses are dictatorships. Employees have no say and sometimes are treated with disrespect. Employers take advantage of the recession by lowering wages even if they have record profits and treating employees like cattle because everybody wants that entry level job (they don't have to please since the workforce pool is abundant). Lower CEO wages for goodness sake some of their work is done by high executive and executive consultants.
15. If your going to abolish any kind of welfare. Abolish corporate welfare
16. If the EU don't work why keep it.
17. Implement the Sharing is caring principle not the "Being all you can be having all you can be" not the "your on your own pal"


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