2012 Resolution: Bettering Myself and Being More Anti-Cool?

So I thought it would be best if I start with my list of what I want to improve:
1.) Better editing of the blog
2.) More research into topics to open up to open, unique and different topics
3.) Steering away from religion
4.) Easier to read blogs. Quick Simple and Painless
Enough for blog goals here is my goals
1.) Grow into a career
2.)Better myself
3.) Instead of being cool and being someone different. Improve who I am and refining my weaknesses
4.) Gain knowledge and wisdom
5.) More research (instead of hearing what people have to say, look up what they're saying every-time)
6.) Workout
7.) Get more involved into activities that I enjoy
8.) Picking my battles and being tight lipped about certain events that I can never change
One thing that I wish I could improve
1.) Being more outgoing....  this to me is beating a dead horse.... People are different some can do this others however cannot.
2.) I cannot stop being opinionated and I will not brown nose. Thank goodness I'm not in an organization in which I have to do that. (will not name any if you are very curious I will tell you confidentially)
So the whole anti-cool thing...
Why do I say this? A few points as to why
1.) Cool- Mainstream activities such as, Partying, drinking, smoking, etc. as well as, super patriotic, non-criticism of your own country, security, watching sports, etc. Hopefully by now you've got the point.
2.) Being cool is not the way I grew or adapted to be.
3.) I rarely party
4.) I once in a blue moon will drink but not every weekend
5.) I smoke a cigar maybe once every 1 to 2 years
6.) Super patriotic? I don't like how my government is handling things, I don't like the federal reserve, hate the IRS, hate the patriot act, corporations rule and conquer the world via business and unnecessary wars, we police the world, we always have to have an enemy, encroaching on peoples territory via a resource war or military base, shall I go on... For more just ask me.
7.) Watching sports or any entertainment is good until it goes overboard until the only thing you're interested in is sports and entertainment. That's how society decreases in intellect, people just have their minds wrapped around in sports and how relationships fail.... (I lost a bit more interest in sports now before I was on it)
8.) Being cool has so many different meanings....
9.) To be quite honest I'd rather be a loser or an outsider its way more entertaining. It's like a sober person watching drunk people. (or watching Jersey Shore)
The End this is an experiment blog. Let me know if this is a better format. I toyed with this type of format in my last two blogs as well.


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