The Friendship Revolver 2: A Note To Friends On Time and Connections


Main reason I'm writing this blog is for my friends and everybody else who has a friend like this.
I am busy
I have other errands I have to do
I have a bible study i have to go to
I have to study for a test
I have to write a paper
After I work I'm exhausted
I have 2 jobs I have no time

Ever get that from a friend then sit and think about it. Well this is what I'm doing right now. Ever think "He's just talking out of his or her ***" or "Maybe they don't want to hangout" or whatever the thought across your mind might be. Why do they say they are busy all the time what is in their life that is so important why do they stress out on that? Do they care about being friends

Analysis of Myself

Let's analyze what I did during college and work

In college I took 17-19 credits which is alot.
One semester I had 6 finals to take which is again alot.
Other semesters I had homework everyday for all 6 courses or research papers to write.
Plus I was trying to find "god" so that took a chunk as well with bible study and what not.
Ran errands
Did I find time for friends absolutely even on days in which I had to prep for a test or a report
No matter how busy I was I always found time for friends, no matter it it was 10 mins or 4 hours. I always found time. In those days I viewed friendship not as a revolving door.

Now I work
Live in an apartment
Run errands
I find time to read magazines, books, articles and listen to my favorite radio show in all that time
Even if I had 2 jobs I'd still have time for and still would hangout and still would read and catch up on all my interests.

Analysis on the Analysis of Myself  and More...

Now not everyone is like me but, it does and did give me a gauge on who were my real friends were. It let me weed out all the bad eggs. The ones who made a unfounded excuse. It also help me learn that everyone has a different load limit. But for the most part if there saying there busy every week for 5 months you can be sure that this person is Bull*******. But wait what about those Religious friends I have there cool with god they can't possibly be doing this. IT's EVIL!!!

I remember having a friend in college and it took a good 5 months to hangout with him where did he live just 15 mins away...

Having Religious Friends

Would it matter if I said the bulk of my friends were christian. In this case yes.

Christian friend
Along with school or work they have to read the scripture afterall that is there religion
They attend or lead bible study
They go to church or christian events
They are enveloped in being a good christian.
Therefore, at times they don't have any time to "hangout" as they are trying to do gods work or etc.

Is this an excuse? No its not you should always find some time to hangout with a friend on a weekly or -bi-weekly (2 week basis) or even monthly it can be a 15 min lunch but at least it solidifies in both parties that both still want to carry on the friendship.

Solutions to this Problem? 

1. Break the friendship. If there is no desire of talking or hanging out no communication whatsoever break it and move on find another friend. After all its like a "revolving door"
2. Confront. Be stern don't hold anything back... Be careful you might lose a friend in 30 seconds if you go to far
3. Console. Be nice about it, ask why, and work around their schedule
4. Ignore. This will either prompt the other party (friend) to do something (put the ball in their court). They either ignore you or they contact you. 
5. Become distant. Let the friendship erode.
6. Burn the Bridge. No explanation needed. However, I say this because it happens to everyone even the christian people.

To remain good friends with a person who does not have time to meet.
1. Stay connected through email, social networking, phone calls, etc. I feel this is the most important issue its one thing if your distant or one person doesn't have time but its another if they don't at least contact you every so often like say hello over text once every 3 weeks or something.
2. Meet sometime in the future.


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