Micro Points: Workplace Opinions and Ideal Life

Workplace Politics and Opinions

1. If your going to criticize the company you have just started working for, make sure you can defend against an attack of "how long have you been with the company"
2. Many times you may formulate opinions or criticisms about the company from many sources. The most accurate ones don't come from rants of a fired employee or a "sucks sight. They come from long time tenured employees who have gotten recognitions, awards, and who are the backbone of the company.
3. When you hear something critical of the company from a tenured employee it is best to sit on it and confirm it.
4. If a manager or employee gives you a hard time about voicing your disagreements with the company make sure you don't say it to that particular manager or air it in front of the that manger or employee.
5. Managers and supervisors cover themselves. Don't expect them to tell the truth
6. Favoritism is greater than hard work and esp. individual thoughts that might criticize the company (they may be constructive and better)

Ideal Life

1. A democratized workforce
2. Peace
3. Money abolished
4. Poverty abolished
5. No rich no poor just people
6. Working together
7. Freedom to build a house to whatever specs. (live in a water tower perhaps)
8. Gone is the greed
9. Gone is the hate
10. so that all we have have is peace, prosperity, sustainability, community

 Duh.. what solutions what the answers?

No solutions no answers
We (Including myself) are too stupid to realize that this is attainable. And there is too much greed in the world for this to even happen. People get worked up by money that is only worth anything because the faith that it has.... In otherwords you could say money is a religion because it has faith.


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