Bold Men with Bold Facts and Bold Warnings

 -Youtube videos uploaded from various different users.

Eisenhower- On military industrial complex
Quoted directly from the Military-Industrial Complex website-"The Military-Industrial Complex is a phrase used to signify a comfortable relationship between parties that are charged to manage wars (the military, the presidential administration and congress) and companies that produce weapons and equipment for war (industry). To put it simply, the Military-Industrial Complex is described as an all-too friendly relationship that may develop between defense contractors and government forces, where both sides receive what they are perceivably looking for: a successful military engagement for warplanners and financial profit for those manning the corporate boardrooms. It can be viewed as a “war for profit” theory."

Kennedy- On Secret Societies and 'the machine'
I show this video because it is eerily similar to what is going on now especially now... Reminds me of the Fed Reserve.

 Franklin D. Roosevelt 
FDR-“Presidents are selected, not elected.”
My Opinion-
Look at the last few presidents. Corporations, superpacks, influential people back candidates up. Tremendous amounts of funding go into campaigns and most are ivy league educated or they've been a politician.

Nixon: "The press is the enemy. The establishment is the enemy. The professors are the enemy."

My Opinion

I agree with the press they can destroy people with a 5 minute look at what the media is doing to Ron Paul their either saying his foreign policy is weak or not paying attention to him at all

If the the establishment dislikes you you get tarnished and you will stay in one spot. This is happening to Ron Paul as we speak Republicans flat out don't like Ron Paul. This is not only in the political standpoint it also applies to business. For example: 

1.) if you piss off the wrong people you go no where in that company, 

2.)in some companies if you don't kiss a** you go up but not as far as you should 

3.) if you are a hard worker but opinionated you may be passed up for another person who brown noses and doesn't work as hard.(Good ole boy system)

4.) Businesses can blackball you if they dislike you -your opinionated, etc.

5.) In business you will be remember for failures even if its 1 or 2 out of 1000.

Finally professors, this puzzles me but I think the point here is that they are suppose to look at issues with a non bias view and thats not the case.



Finally I wanted to attach a piece on here that people should watch its from the Alex Jones Channel and its about how the US is worse than East Germany.. Watch it with an open mind please... Make sure you read the caption that goes with these videos. Alex Jones is not a conspiracy theories he brings issues that people don't think of and he thinks outside of the box.


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