Never Learn About Your Hero's or Who You Admire

This is not because you would learn bad things about them. To me people have there faults I certainly do. And by people I mean a human not a corporation screw the corporation they are not people I hate that law that passed that said they were a person therefore they can donate to a political campaign (especially hate companies who subcontract) but that's not part of this discussion.

If you learn about the people who you admire and the people you tout as hero's you may get obsessed with them. I mean by a thought, a popular quote for instance "what would Jesus do". Emulating Jesus to me lacks creativity and an ability to think for yourself. You become a person that your not. When you meet this person you are excited, hyped, want to know everything about them when in reality they are just like you. Think about this how would you react to that if someone did that to you and you were the 1,434th person, wouldn't you get annoyed? Instead, try to take this approach, don't get excited ask about something small or mention something like hey "world series 2015" or "nice no hitter" I don't know but its better than going crazy over someone who does what is essentially a sport or entertainment.

The question is would I like to meet my favorite players or actors, answer would be of course, but i wouldn't gaggle over them there just people its not like going to Las Vegas and seeing the marvelous architecture on the strip or going to Kansas to see the history, they're people not objects.


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